
Can I just point out that the plot twist should have been seen a mile away (And yes, I missed it…), since "Bedrager" means "Deceiver" in Danish…

And that's fair, I admit that coward was the wrong word to use. I'm just increasingly tired by more and more games that are becoming insultingly easy. We all like different games I suppose, but the thing I appreciate about the difference between Video games and movies/tv series is that video games will (hopefully)

Exactly. And it's not about the designer being an asshole or anything like that. Its fun because when you finally beat the boss, there is a feeling of accomplishment, you worked and something that was a challenge and succeeded. I'd say 90% of new games I play, there is no feeling of accomplishment. You beat the game

Thats fair, "Coward" was the wrong word, but I'm sure you now what I mean. Go into any Reddit page for a newer game not named Dark Souls that presents some form challenge and its insane how much people whine about "Punishing encounters" and how everything is "stupidly overpowered". I'm in the Sub-reddit for The

You are right. But that also have to do with a lot of todays gaming fans being massive cowards. If it takes more than 2-3 attempts to kill a boss, then all of a sudden the boss is way to punishing/overpowered etc and needs to be hit HARD with the nerfhammer.

Regardless of whether she thought he was a good police or not, it wasnt very smart. Hell, if she had so little respect for him, she should have told him to stay put, not just quietly run into the situation.

Am I the only one who kinda thought Molly getting shot was partly her own fault? Don't get me wrong, love her as a character, and Gus definately screwed up bigtime. But throughout that entire sequence, I kept getting annoyed at her (and characters in general) for just simply not communicating with her partner and just