I'm with Myself

I had back surgery 2 years ago and it was very difficult to sit in my office chairs for more than 40 minutes without starting to feel discomfort. I bought a Noble Chairfor two hundred and sixty bucks on discount from and it has changed my life. My boss would make fun of me the first 3 weeks I owned it and

Some dicks are too big to contain in a condom, get ready for the nannies to raise this kid

I have this card and I absolutely love it. I stayed at a hotel for one night and they tried charging me for 3 nights so I mediately got on the phone with them and they took care of the issue I even emailed them a copy of my toll receipts to prove I wasn’t even in that state at the time they said I had left. On top of

I have this card and I absolutely love it. I stayed at a hotel for one night and they tried charging me for 3 nights

Anytime Brady loses opener, they win the super bowl. See you in Minnesota

This is nothing more than an opinion piece especially since he said a statement and you now want to just dismiss the statement like he’s lying. If that’s the case I’m going to say your opinion you’re lying you actually believe Justice will be served

My closest friend recommended the show to me and I watched and I’m not lying five episodes, I didn’t laugh once. I didn’t even chuckle saying oh that’s a funny line. Instead I continued watching the show go and how is this on the air who is watching this?

What’s up with black on black crime?

This is the definition of a death panel



Except full time is defined at 35 hours

There is a problem with your math, Obama made “full time criteria” as 35 hours a week. That you lose 5 hrs a week or 75 dollars a week. But taxes at that income are if you get a raise from say 11 dollars to 15 the increase its really just 15% after taxes. So the push to raise minimum wage only benefits the gov

How many times did you have to delete the statement “in my new book I talked about” or “that’s why I wrote this book”

Or their communities do a better job protecting their own pp

Michelle obviously was the cause of this. Without her hashtag photo they would still be missing

Too bad, so not sad

How heavy is that white night suit you put on every morning?

Please do a story on the most oppressed folks, muslim women

I’ve only purchased through PayPal, does this include those cards?

If you watched pewdiepie apology video you would see his attempts to unban and actually create a website and get the guys unbanned. Gizmodo really doesn’t like to know facts before writing a story. You did it with sweet, lovable, caring Ken Bone.

Untrue, I’m 33 and would start dating a woman up to the age 55. Numbers mean shit, quality time between the people is what matters