
Why is the headlines written in a way to imply that the teachers have a problem with how the layoffs are going to be handled? Clearly they don’t but the headline has attracted so many damn trolls it’s outnumbering people who aren’t racist pieces of shit.


Get a hobby. 

Wendy Williams is a terrible person and her show was trash. I wish her health and getting her life on track, but the airwaves are better off without her brand of toxicity. While I’m pretty indifferent to Sherrie Shepard overall, I think she’s an overall decent person and likable, and if her show is a success, good for

Tell ya what... I will begin to think about sympathizing with Wendy Williams when she shows genuine regret for the way she has treated people in the past and shows us how she is gong to do better moving forward?  She can start by apologizing to Joaquin Phoenix and Method Man’s wife...

The pigs walk around with internal biases ... this isn’t about variables. The only variable they see walking (or rushing) up to a situation is the color of their skin. FULL.STOP!

No, he’s telling the dipshit PR person running the account to fuck off and get Wendy to call him. “I’m not honestly convinced of the source of that social media post” is important context.

I think hand cuffing either of them was more than what was required. They’re teens fighting. Seperate them, get their names, and have them leave (seperately). Assuming no one is hurt, or wants to press charges.

The worst thing you can do is call a white person a racist. Even when they are caught doing racist things. The mental gymnastics that they’ll pull to prove they actually weren’t racist in a certain situation/s is mind boggling.

But Joe Rogan was being “consc iously racist”! Why is there even a doubt  about that? What else, in context, was he being? Smdh

“I knew he was on loan and God called in that loan.”

The worst thing you can call a racist person is racist. They will fight that to the end of the world. The same person will call themselves idiot, asshole, or whatever but call their racist behavior racist and they will lose their shit. It’s not about a lie it’s about the truth.

Lets play a game called “how would that be different?”

People are missing the point in these comments. This isn’t about Nicki or TikTok. This is about the fact that white people think they must be nosy about everything we do. They just have to take up all the space, be obnoxious about it, not learn a damn thing about anything, report their findings to other white people

*I* will boycott Coachella if Billie Eilish apologizes to Ye.  I wasn’t going to go anyway, but in that particular case the reason will be principled.

An overinflated ego but we’ve all known that about Kanye for years

*adds link to list of stories to post when Kanye is mourned as a inspirational genius upon his death*

People who don’t know how to use google and don’t follow Zendaya are upset over this.

A quick search for “Zendaya 2016 Humane” and you can find this image:

As people debate the likeness of a piece of wax from a 19th century art form in 2022, that’s really only popular as a drunken side stop during a Vegas trip, I am left to ponder the eternal question:

“ “My exact thoughts. Never seen Z throw this look.””