Oh, I see, he’s somehow a “street” billionaire who makes his kids keep it “real”?
Oh, I see, he’s somehow a “street” billionaire who makes his kids keep it “real”?
“Get some therapy, you goofy fuck.” - best advice he will ever get, also, the most accurate take on his sad ass limp dick life
Kanye is that dude u can’t help but chuckle at. Kim seems to have moved on and he’d like us to think he did too, but he can’t help but try to get our attention by referencing her in every other song. Forget him being a Republican(though i still shudder at the memory of him standing up and hugging a seated Trump), I…
Bet money he’s forgotten that part of it already! In his mind he was a hero betrayed by his own. I wrote him off far in advance of “slavery was a choice” and you’d best believe that little fandango had me congratulating myself on my forsight.
star given just for the term “Goofy fuck”
Kanye left behind the NWA/Death Row Records/50 Cent toxicity/trolling phase and has entered the Dr Dre/Puffy/Ja Rule phase of physically intimidating/threatening people he doesn’t like.
Not to mention that his campaign was run by the GOP with the explicit goal of coercing false confessions of “electoral fraud” out of black election workers - and they brought in other black faces to do it.
Add to that, I’m not feeling any of his choice of friends. How can any Black person in his right mind befriend Candace Owens?
Ye damned sure an’t anyone’s friend. He’s the same egotistical non-educated asshole he’s always been, empowered first by a mother who never reigned his ass in and who he couldn’t even be arsed to watch over post surgery and later by Kim and crew whom fed his ego and let run wild until finally they had made them all of…
“Slavery was a choice.” Cooning with Trump. Now talking about hanging with Putin. Don’t sound like any friend I ever had.
“Somebody check on our good friend, Ye.”
“Part of me still hopes that America can be America again”
It’s kind of hilarious to me that the dude is treating a super affordable food dish like it’s some kind of luxury, as if you’d suddenly have more disposable income by cutting out this really cheap breakfast item. It’s not like people would end up just substituting in a higher cost food in it’s place or anything. Or…
Assuming $19 million is a large sum in the context of black wealth in competition with white wealth (it isn’t), the cheapness of grits and the quantity of servings one gets at such a low price betrays Umar’s own position concerning how he believes that money can better spent, and should only illustrate him that the…
This motherfucking hotep has way too much time on his hands. We should be asking him instead of trying to guilt black people into giving him more money to funnel into his pockets, to tell us what he’s done with the money that suckers have already given him over the years.
“Give me the money you spend on food” seems like not such a great idea.
31 Why hasn’t Mr Runmydonations overdosed yet?
More than one Black comic has a negative story to tell about Cosby along with all the other people besides his rape victims to come and say ‘America’s Dad’ was/is really an asshole. He’s an elitist who took joy shitting on his own. One of those crabs in barrel who believes there can only be ONE. His fame and money…