Not even then. This is the party that endlessly and fruitlessly investigated Hillary Clinton. The party that welcomed the idea that Barack Obama was not an American citizen. The party that brought “baby cages” into the common vernacular.
Not even then. This is the party that endlessly and fruitlessly investigated Hillary Clinton. The party that welcomed the idea that Barack Obama was not an American citizen. The party that brought “baby cages” into the common vernacular.
Dear World,
I apologize to the rest of the planet that we elected Donald Trump our president.
Uncle Milty.
I think you beat on a politician as hard as you can in the primary. Makes them strong and lets them prove they can take it. Giving them an unfair beating is exactly what the Republicans are going to do.
I tend to agree. I’ve always been very pragmatic. It is troubling to me because I warn Democrats of this outlook in people and they call me a troll. Thanks for being open to my point of view. I hate Trump. That’s why I am sounding the alarm now because I don’t think many Democrats learned a lesson from 2016. Trump…
You let me know when he takes a position stronger and more concrete than “we should have good things and not bad things.”
You know what Beto didn’t do this week for Splinter to criticize? List any substantive position on any topic of note.
Hey instead of just whining about Splinter’s good reporting why don’t you prove them wrong and do a detailed defense of Beto’s response. Please explain why it was so great instead of the dumb mishmash of bullshit it sounds like when I read it. Show everyone how much smarter than Libby you are. Break it down and tell…
What he also wanted was to murder a bunch of Muslims. I am sick of everyone trying to pretend the manifesto was all chaff when he acted the everloving fuck out of part of it, not coincidentally the part involving the philosophy he shares with Donald Trump and his ilk.
He loves Trump and white identity. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Hell, pay no attention to the fact that the manifesto is one giant shitpost devoid of all meaning and simply meant to go viral. That’s it. That’s all it is. It is devoid of meaning. This is a fucked up individual, radicalized by Islamaphobia and white extremism, who committed a horrendous act, and THAT is the reality.
That’s fine. But he still has 18 months to be a candidate. You can make your opinion, but why are we disqualifying him or anyone else for that matter, on day 2.
I’ve already been seeing these laughable attempts at spin in various comments sections— “he was an eco terrorist! he was an eco fascist! he was a socialist communist leftist! he was practically Bernie Sanders!” It’s amusing to watch how fast this kind of thing spreads as soon as there’s ONE plausible counterstory....…
Intolerance of intolerance, we don’t dislike them over arbitrary and superficial traits, we dislike them for the festering dung heaps that they are inside.
Why did you make me hit you?
“I explicitly denounced violence. I said that we on the Right are constantly disavowing racists. I pointed out the inconvenient fact that it is Leftists committing the majority of political violence.
I’d be hard pressed to see Roberts and possibly even Gorsuch going along with Trump on this one.
Good read, agreed on all fronts about higher education. I’d add that in addition to the stigma of community college as being some form of failure, I think we also need to work on the stigma of not going to college at all. I remember being told numerous times as kids, literal children, that we’ll “end up flipping…
Another paradox to add to this bizarre situation is that the practice of circumventing admissions actually diminishes the value of the product, admission to a school with high admission standards. It’s like driving a brand new car into a brick wall or paying to break your kids into prison. Obviously the goal is not…
Rich people are leeches in this country. All they do is cheat and break the law while facing zero consequences. All thanks to a corrupt government and media.