
Keep in mind that fatalities have gone down despite the fact that the number of people flying has gone up an insane amount. If you look at it from a deaths/# of flyers ratio, it’s unreal how safe flying is.

Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!

Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:

“The military is too complicated. Our soldiers show go back to throwing rocks.”

D. Trump - Commander in Chief

Frankly, it would improve my day if, at any time, I could pull up online video of Manafort rotting in prison.

Agreed about the last email needing to be the first.

Ingraham’s motto...

It never ceases to amaze me how many of these people, who devote every waking moment of their lives to being hateful racist monsters, get so fucking offended when you call them a bunch of hateful racist monsters.

He said “hate”. If you say it 3 times in the mirror, it summons Donny.

You don’t think that the way a person treats their staff is in any way indicativeof the way they regard people in general?

Class consciousness, which we should all be striving to develop here in the US, one of the countries that most needs it, means exploited workers deserve solidarity, not criticism. And yes, I’d say throwing binders at your employees, making them do your personal tasks, and publicly attacking them constitutes abuse

Well, given that the other stuff she’s reported to have done involves berating and humiliating staff, throwing things at them, making them do her personal chores/laundry/dishes etc., it seems like an abusive work environment, which, y’know, is...abusive. Victims of abuse are not responsible for that abuse. 

Yep, that... does sound very Fox News-y. Before the last few months, there wasn’t extensive reporting out there about her treatment of her staff. A few blind items about her being a “tough boss” are not equivalent to the extensive, detailed allegations that have been brought to light recently. And yeah, if you’re some

Your boss was fucked up and also should not be president.

You don’t think that the way a person treats their staff is in any way indicative of the way they regard people in general?

Yeah, who cares if this person physically attacks people or says fucked up shit or abuses his/her employees. There’s way worse stuff OTHER people have done.”

So... your argument is that because you’ve had terrible bosses, other people should too?

Because presidential libraries are where the power and influence lie in this country.

Because in the USA, we celebrate tyrants and bemoan those who they step on. Because it’s okay for people to abuse their power because somehow they’re entitled to behave that way if it means fiscal success, regardless of the individuals they irreparably damage over the course of their careers.

Once again, we’re presented with the dilemma that every conservative argument presents: are you stupid enough to not understand why this is a big deal, or do you think we’re stupid enough to believe your lies?