jo gerardo

After Cyrie and Tai were voted out and Culpepper started acting, and was being shown, like the winner, hubs and I went to sleep. WTF was up with putting him on top of that rock formation? I thought he was going to sacrifice a calf. Feeling the brunt of bullies up to my early twenties, I didn't want to see anymore of

There went Michaela. Now what am I going to do next Wed night?

You've got seven songs from their first three albums on this list. I bought those three as albums twice, cassettes once, individual CDs twice and as a cool box set in China. I play these loud and often. My neighbors know not to come around because, "that old guy", is probably stoned. My great-niece loads music on my

I cried as much as I did at the end of "Jerry Maguire", but not as much as during, "Philadelphia". It's like a vomit train, every guy around me starts to whimper and look at me with a, "Let it out, man.", look.

"Oh, my Niels Bohr swimsuit calendar has arrived!"

I watched this with my sweet 89yo mom-in-law, she's got Alz. I swear she would look at me at all the funny moments and smile. If I wasn't her full time care giver, I'd swear she was faking the dementia.

Portuguese "J" is soft, like a light saber. I didn't see that part, so if it doesn't make sense, never mind.

Hoping Liv and Blaine don't turn into a Buffy/Spike story line.