
This does make sense. There’s ambivalence that I have to contend with in that regard because in addition to that reasoning, there’s also the reasoning that I can somehow “hurt” them by being as ugly as I can get away with, considering that they tried so hard to put up an “attractive” facade to hide the dissatisfaction

Created a burner just to say this couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Seriously, he is a Grade-A Asshole, even by Hollywood standards. Weinstein-like in his temper and how he treats people. I’ve witnessed him having MULTIPLE toddler-style temper tantrums over the dumbest shit and he’s had people fired over all

This is difficult to write because I’m not the best at expressing myself, so please forgive me if this doesn’t make sense.

End of Relationship thread? I think my s/o and I are done. After ten years, I just feel like an absolute fool. He never really wanted marriage, or kids, or even the dog he promised. I’m nearing forty, so I feel like I gave him my best years and I’ll probably be walking away with nothing. I just want for this to be

WOoo SNS! Almost didn’t make it as my preggo ass is def lying in bed right now, lol.

I finally put together a home office after ten years of working from my couch, floor, kitchen, and sometimes my bed. I am crazy stoked-and I already had two good ideas in 24 hours while kicked back in my “thinking” pose (feet up, head back, rap loud). I also had someone come give a quote for my dream of a shoe and

I feel that stylists are the kind of people that are ALWAYS in panic mode, no matter what happens

The tripwire bomb was in a super white neighborhood. Maybe he was trying to throw people off? - Austinite

In Jennifer Garner’s own words: ‘You know what we would say in my hometown about that? ‘Bless his heart. A phoenix rising from the ashes. Am I the ashes in this scenario? I take umbrage. I refuse to be the ashes.

I agree he’s a dipshit but the police didn’t do “nothing.”

You can’t prevent the dystopia, but you can enjoy the clever use of technology.

Yeah, you’re not wrong. When I read the book a few years ago, I fell head over heels for the nostalgia and constant references to D&D, Atari, and retro anime.

I can attest to how growing up I was constantly bullied in school and teacher’s who observed it did absolutely nothing other then to tell me to “not let it bother me”. The issue for me wasn’t so much the teasing as it was the shunning and non acceptance by my peers. The problem with current anti bullying campaigns now

52 years old, and depression knocks me down like I’m nothing. Bless you, and bless that little girl’s soul.

I’m a grown man and when that wave (depression) hits, I can barely maintain, a 9 year old has no chance whatsoever. My heart goes out to the family, that poor baby.

capitalism without joy T_T

This. Wellness is like the worst type of capitalism: capitalism that pretends to care. At least raw capitalism makes it easy to get Arby’s half pound roast beef and cheese sandwiches and Taco Bell fries and doesn’t try to trick you into thinking any of this was for your health.

The FBI’s been involved for weeks. The ATF, too.

Um, there have been multiple press conferences. Believe me, everyone in Austin has been watching them.

On his front porch? With no evidence of bomb making materials on the premise? That’s an... odd assumption for them to make.