
I never served, but the unalloyed worship of service members has always bothered me. Mainly because the kids I knew in high school who joined were pretty evenly divided between gung ho patriotic guys that went on to good careers in the military (and who deserve thanks for their service), and guys that had to choose


Starred for the perfect WKRP in Cincinnati callback.

Although my time in the military wasn’t too bad and I served with some great people, I also served with PLENTY of really f*cked up individuals for whom the service was a last resort in terms of finding some order, structure, and stability in their off-kilter life. It’s time for the general public to admit that not

When reached for comment, the soldier stated: “As God as my witness, I thought Humvees could fly”.

What the hell were they using to record that? 1920s film camera?

Seriously. That’s a lot of work for a nap.

I went to a really backwards school that forced everybody to do Latin in their 1st year, and that was in the 90s, so now I get wound up by people doing literal translations of things into Latin with zero grammar. It doesn’t help that I worked in the translation industry (but not as a translator) for 8 years so I’m

As much as I love BSG..I had too google who Nicki Clyne is. And it is very eerie how much those two look alike, Allison and Nicki i mean.

She was Cally, the crewman who was supposed to be a one off and done character in the pilot, and outright killed off after the first few episodes only to somehow become somewhat important character due to being the wife of Chief one of the final five Cylons only to be spaced by the last couple episodes and her kid to

Sad. But if any actor from BSG had to get caught up in a cult, at least it was the most annoying one that couldn’t act.

Yes! I did google it and I was like oh her... the lamest character on that show. Lol

I’d only go to one of these if it was one of my best friends and even then I’d make fun of them for it.

They’re insufferable but also so redundant! I love my friends with kids, but if one of them tried to pull this shit, I’d be like, I reckon I can wait a month, love.

Was waiting for this. I like his movies. But I don’t get the recent cult following his partying or excusing him of his prior abuse and angry/drunk incidents. Why are we supposed to celebrate this man’s likely alcoholism as charming? Beneath the surface most of the stories make him out to be a very sad image, not a fun

I was so freaking happy, when I approached a young colleague to offer to throw her a work shower (she and her husband both work at my company, I was her original ‘work buddy’ when she was hired as an intern and her entire team is in another location and her husband and I work together)they accepted and immediately

Murray is a long time, well known skeeve. Why, again, are we celebrating him?

I know I can’t be the only one that hates gender reveal parties. Please explain why are they necessary.

Jesus, he looks old. That must mean...*looks in the mirror*...I’ve gotten old too...