Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England
Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England
Peyton’s too busy making shitty commercials that make me long for Cheryl’s She-Shed. TV was a mistake.
You take that attitude and swap it, mister!
Dave, Sorry to hear about your run in with 70 years of heat cycling and corrosion. That stuff is NEVER fun to deal with, and this isn’t the first (nor will it be the last) time someone leaves half-studs in a cylinder block
I bought a cheap oil filter cap wrench and epoxied it to the oil filter. Perhaps not the best financial decision, but I felt victorious after
Sir, may I suggest that if you’d been issued a mustache as spectacular as Roar Strand’s, these mechanical failures might not have occurred?
Well they're not popping paper bags over there.
Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.
you have to burn a F35 in effigy.
And I do not mean the “my son plays lacrosse” upper class. I mean the “I could kill a poor person and get away with it” upper class.
Sig makes good stuff. And if it’s good enough for the Pope.
I don’t like running into Danica because it gets a little too much attention.
Kansas City and fatherhood have really taken a toll on you, huh man?