
Best part of the episode :)

I loved Nicole telling it to Neil straight. Big Capricorn whatever energy, all over it. I loved that Jayden is weird and complicated, not just dumb and inappropriate, and I loved that everyone decides to be nice to him and go for chicken and have some fun. It was good to see them working together.

thank you!

Hmm well. Yeah. It was wholly unremarkable, except some of it was partly remarkable.

I am currently choosing to believe that this is the show Tina Fey (and Robert?) wanted to make from day one, but they knew that if they started out with this “very special” epsiode, it would be too much.

“Don’t say it!”

I am here to appreciate your use of [sic] on their lack of ‘who.’

I like Orly and I’ve enjoyed some of their scenes, but I agree it needs to fit in better. Part of it is that his house is so fancy and perfect but also sterile in its clean well-cared-for .01%ness, and it doesn’t really match either of them. He’s warm and casual and Ted Dansony, and she’s a mostly unspoiled smart

He is cute! He’s TV trope awful, but IRL he’s charming, messy, and funny. I like her dating him and I also mostly am saying this so we can have some Friendtopia vibes all up in the gizzovernment.

Great comment, GIF-illuminated and Idiocracy reference and everything. This has been your sincere random affirmation.

Enjoyed it enough, but what were they really trying to do with Andie? She comes off as kinda chill, but also fake and using him, but also entitled and terrible, but also legit into him, but also crazy, but also bitchy, but also dumb. It’s like they couldn’t decide, and it was too much fun watching her do all those

For sure, the timing of the message is off. But in an era starved for joy and fresh adventure, I really enjoyed this throwback style monster flick with notes of (and very nice cinematography of) the 21st century.

Just adding:  The problem with being edgy is that they keep moving the edge.

Agreed that we should give it more time to get good, like so many great shows. I think part of the problem is that a new show right now is like poking a hibernating bear and saying “I know, I know, but you should watch this! It’s a sitcom about how dumb caves are!” Not that we are asleep, but our senses of humor are


Yeah, I hope they make sense out of this backstory. Maybe it’s left over from when it was going to be Jack Donaghy? Liddy Donaghy was born in 2011, which would make her 20 next month. Maybe that morphed into a high school student because it’s like both of them are in grade school and learning together, “awww”(sic).

Rewatching because escapism.

I thought the lack of saving through the relationship was BEAUTIFULLY cynical. Because that’d be committing to it! Otherwise how could he get a total do-over on the whole thing? What a total ashhole :)  Sigh

This was a valuable exercise and a good use of like 2 minutes of my time, and I thank you.