Joey Tallywacker

Manziel says he and Gordon are testing themselves and staying positive.

Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.

He’s probably more embarrassed to be seen with Kevin Connolly

Now I wish P.J. had been playing instead of his brother. I can just picture him flitterin’ & dabblin’ all over Augusta National.

“I will be able to say ‘I’ve shared a bath with a Masters winners”

Hayes’s car was hit moments before the fender-bender that precipitated the shooting, and that Hayes was pursuing the driver of that vehicle.


Can’t wait for SBNation’s longform profile of him.

Ugh what a disgusting situation.


Reminds me of the time that Donald Sterling tried to change the name of the Clippers to the “Houseboys”.

Tyler: Mom, I know I disappointed you with this embarrassing scandal.

Call him a “kid” all you want, but the young man has learned the game thanks to a parent who surrounded him with some of the best players in the country. That’s why I’m so excited about Louisiana Tech’s new baseball manager, Drake LaRoche.

sup girl

St. Louis has officially changed their mascot to the Caucasians, or “Caucs” for short.

Correa’s homer off the tinted windows of the sports bar in center field went 462 feet according to Statcast (459 feet by ESPN’s reckoning).

When I was younger I wanted to be just like Jerry Sloan. For the first time, now I have a chance.

“Hello, friends! Which one of you wants to pull really hard on my necktie while I jerk myself off to completion?”

Did anyone else notice Michael Jordan was at the game? Not sure if CBS showed or mentioned him during the telecast or not.

The biggest balls of the night belong to whomever hit the button to drop that confetti.