*Trash Pandas
*Trash Pandas
No one knows who Jerry's Kids are anymore, they would probably think your trash pandas were wearing some new hipster fashion style.
For anyone not familiar with Bones, this should help explain the show better.
What about when they shoot Lizzy? That was intense, as was the confession from Carol and forgiveness from Tyreese.
I will ride it, only if the giftshop at the end sells a dick in a box.
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Nope, same one for four years now!
Every year my girlfriend and I watch all the Tree House episodes in the weeks leading up to Halloween.
Rock n Rye
I sat here and debated whether or not this comment was the original or not. You decide!
Go crazy?
I heard that one is going to come crashing into theatres.
Man, I love it when The Simpsons shows why it is still on TV. The self-referential joke about the Tree House of Horror episode (don't worry, it is next week! They are doing Psycho with Skinner's mom, then Muppets in The Wizard of Oz with Homer as Scarecrow Fozzi!) was my favorite part.
It is full of bigoted imbeciles and the spambots that latch onto them.
It was probably made from malk.
I'm glad to know that I am not the only one that steals tv show jokes and uses them on his friends who don't watch whatever show. Although, sometimes, if the joke was THAT good, I have to admit I didn't come up with it. I don't want to set the bar too high.
"especially when it comes to David, a Mexican-by-way-of-Iowa boy"
Hmmm, I never made the connection, I just thought clod was a goofy made up cartoon insult. Nope, it means a lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay.