@Richard Starkey: First things firster: Why does Utah have a salt lake?
@Richard Starkey: First things firster: Why does Utah have a salt lake?
I'm going to guess Mariotti magically wins Around the Horn today and references this in his spot.
I am glad it's not Drew critiquing writers for repeatedly using the same tired jokes. poo.
As an Auburn fan, I snicker and thank God it is not our campus.
He gave it 4 starrs.
Note to trash talking NFL linemen: Your momma jokes are now off limits.
Did they account for a Laser Rocket Arm? #billbelichick
@Kid Canada: You know what they say, be cool or be cast out. #assholecoachdigest
@Rhymenocerous: I don't think that's true at all. Maybe, if he made an interesting arguement about the "South Will Rise Again" debate. But "F those ___" isn't that. #thesouthwillriseagain
HAHA! - Alabama #olemissrebels
#19 I can't believe she wore that jersey to her workplace. #customizedjerseys
What's Will Ferrell playing? A stapler? #watercoolerfodder
Better basketball/baseball player? Ainge or Jordan #bookexcerpts
O AND SHE UGLY. #brookehundley
This doesn't bother me, but the damn "First! Down!" for every first down they get drives me nuts. Stop that shit Ole Miss. #olemissrebels
If I know my sports scandals, Drew will make a donation to the coach's charity & then check into rehab. #announcements
I am shocked that someone lied on the internet. So is my Brazilian model girlfriend. #assholefandigest
You know what the title of that book should be? "Yes, I Can If Norby Says It's OK". #billsimmons
No surprise, the Clemson logo is already sports a camel toe. #clemsonwomensrowingteam
Like half of Broadway goers aren't fat tourists from the Midwest. #vincelombardi