Joey Reilly

When did they have another kid? If the two cubs we all know are Brother and Sister then what is the baby's name? Other Sister? Sister Two?

What, you don't like feeling like you've been punched over and over for an hour and a half? It's a tough one. Saw it for the first time a couple of months ago. It killed my mood for a week.

Say funny things, be funny. Say it however you want. The point is that she can't do either one. As long as there are people who can't tell the difference between good material and good delivery, she'll be fine. Good for her.

Like I said, it tricks people into thinking she is funny. What I'm hearing is that you have decided to settle for what you can get. Great. But for from where I'm sitting, a comic's first job is to say funny things so just saying things funny isn't good enough. A great performance is only half the battle at best. If

What she has going for her is great stage presence and flawless delivery. That tricks stupid people into thinking she is actually saying something funny. It's how she won Last Comic Standing. It's why she is still working today.

A pregnant? Oh no. They aren't letting those into the country now, are they?