
Tennessean here. It’s still very common.

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! Everybody knows that a Burrow Owl lives in a hole in the ground. Why the hell do you think they call it a Burrow Owl, anyway?

Riders with this are the worst kind of people. Several times I’ve seen people pull over because they thought the police were coming through. To me, if you’re the guy with a flashing light (often also wearing an orange safety vest), then you’re too worried to be riding a bike in the first place. Get a horse. Or a Volvo.

The automatic flashing headlight, typically seen on Goldwings more than anything... I get it, you want people to see you, but it’s a little too effective and crosses the line into being an annoyance for others on the road.

OMG someone is doing something you don’t like? Quick, post your opinion to tell the world what you think is the “right” way for whatever it is you’re complaining about.

I’m one of the ones that disapproves of these moves. They didn’t need “protection” in the first place. Making them National Monuments just made them inaccessible to OHV use, closing down how many thousands (or millions) more acres to multiple use. Anybody who used to go ATVing in these areas is now screwed. The only

Ask Texas, they know how much it takes to end a drought. The answer is a lot.

I’m kind of partial to the foot activated high-beam switch. In my current Ford you push the turn signal forward to activate the high-beams which puts the turn signal almost out of reach.

In my opinion, the one thing all cars really need now are automatic headlights. It is unbelievable that with all of the useless safety regulations currently imposed, car-makers are still allowed to build and sell cars without this simple feature. It is so irritating being in a rain-storm, or driving in near-dark

That sure does demonstrate how much of a class act Dale Jr. is. His reaction was legitimate concern for the sport’s competitors and fans.

:Eyeroll: I’m of Mexican descent and I agree with the spirit of his comments. Mexico is not sending its best here. Even if they work 80 hour weeks, they’ll still be a burden on the American taxpayer through use of the various social welfare programs. I was born and raised in the border town of El Paso and I have seen

I wasn’t implying - I was stating. The reasons for Secession were manifold and complex, which is probably why you’re having trouble grasping the concept. Go look up these words: Sectionalism, plantation economic, manufacturing economic, tariff’s of abominations, the nullification crisis, Election of 1804, The Hartford

It boggles my mind how ignorant of history you people are. It’s called “The War of Northern Aggression” in the South for a reason. The Southern States Seceded, and everything was cool. Federal Troops stood fast on their positions, and the Southern States politely asked them to leave. They did not. Still, there wasn’t

I hold two college degrees. Incidentally, the history taught in every high school text book across the south is derived from a single textbook created in the north during the Progressive Era by former Abolitionist. So I was raised believing the rank stupidity you believe. It wasn’t until my University thesis when I

North vs South was about Sectionalism, Economics, Representation, States Rights, Expansionism, Internal Improvements, Banking, Federalism and Suborning Insurrection. Slavery? Bullshit. The Union had six slave states. The North didn’t free their slaves until 10 months after the end of the Civil War, and only then

Sorry, but I won't stop having sex with your sister.

The West Memphis killings that saw Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley spend the large part of their lives in prison. Justice miscarried, the real killer never found.

The Confederate battle flag is a harmless object which is here to pay tribute to those who fought and were caught up in the Civil War in the Southern states. NOT every person in the Confederacy was a racist, white person trying to be hateful.

The shear scale of Operation Overlord and all the loss of life humbles me everytime I think about it.

Or the cable companies can also go a la carte, and the era of the ESPN tax will finally die.