
Sorry Mack you are incorrect on several points. The sedan is superior and here is why. Now my first point can be considered personal taste, however my 08 Civic sedan is much better looking than the coupe version - it just has a better flow to it, like the sedan was designed first and the coupe version was an

Weinbergers Deli - Denton TX

From what I understand one of the founders of Cain’s worked for Guthrie’s. I was introduced to Guthrie’s (Haleyville AL) by my wife and I miss it now that we are in TX. At Cain’s the sauce is a spot on copy but the chicken is not. I ask for fries and chicken extra crispy and it gets much closer.

NP. All this thing needs is a white checkerboard stripe down the side. I don’t care it has an autotragic, GO BIG ORANGE.

No custom plate - I will not pay TX extra for “government speech” on my cars. My wife did have a MADD tag in TN but they allowed for more freedom of speech there.

The only blowouts I’ve ever had were on Goodyear tires. Granted these were the factory provided tires on GM cars but they were not to the wear bars - I only use Michelin and BFG’s now (the BFG g-Force Sport COMP-2 A/S on my DD are awesome)

Maybe not a Pontiac block but more than likely a set of Pontiac (Brodix) heads. IIRC the Pontiac logo and part number made them legal for Winston Cup.

TI-99/4a? I still have mine - couldn’t give it away at a yard sale due to missing power supply. BTW, pretty women and cars belong together.

I would like to see automakers program the headlights to come on automatically when the wipers are turned on. Also, why not require auto headlights to be set up like my 03 Yukon - always set to auto and turning them off uses a momentary switch which resets to auto after an ignition cycle. Simple fixes really.

Not a fan of Princess Bride?

Agreed, for anyone who doesn’t think it can happen please read up on Tellico OHV

Most disturbing picture ever. That Catalina looked pretty straight.

As a Vol fan I agree it was brutal to watch the replay and I commend CBS for not showing it again during the game.

Gearz - Stacey David is one of the best car guy hosts out there. I miss the old Power Block on TNN

Would badge engineering count? If so, how about the Sears Allstate

Please tell me that you did it with and without the boost restrictor

Snow cone? Is that what they call it. Every time I drive by I think it looks like a Nutty Buddy sundae cone - but then again I’m not from around here (Denton transplant from TN)

You can drive fast safely and still have smoking brakes. I once had a call from my wife’s co-worker that they had called 911 for her. I told the co-worker I would be there before the ambulance left. I made the 12mile drive in under 10 minutes (very little highway to county roads). As I ran past the driver of the

Had one the other day - I did continuously flash my lights back at him - my BRAKE lights

People think they are entitled to treat people they don’t know like crap if they feel they are being inconvenienced.