
Someone should force his neighbors to watch “Up” until they come to their senses or it forces them to be committed for depression.

My experience with the BBB was infuriating. Not car related. A collection agency kept calling several times an hour for someone who no longer lived at my home. They would not speak to me since I wasn’t the debtor. The BBB was useless and did not resolve my issue. I did get the name of the collection agency though, and

While the size may be similar to a small bird, the aircraft when fighting a fire is at a low altitude and may not be able to recover from a drone ingested in the the engine intake. Also it may damage other parts of the aircraft like the windscreen. I am not a pilot but I do understand how to mitigate danger. Oops, I

Top Tip - dum dum on the end of a zip tie. I had to use this when I dropped a non-metallic part down the lower intake on a CPI 4.3

I liked being able to get behind the wheel of several different makes at one time. Unfortunately I found out that most everything I was interested in my 6’3” frame would not fit - my knee hit the back of the steering wheel (BRZ, 370Z, etc). Interestingly I fit pretty well in a FiST.

By my estimation ALL illegal immigrants are criminals - hence the illegal part - calling them undocumented doesn’t change that fact.

...And you might get out if the mine don’t flood

May I suggest a temporary number 3 in black on the front doors and a large empty duffel bag on the rear seat. This may be enough to make people think you could be easily unhinged and they should give you a wide berth.

I wish y'all the best fighting the people who moved near your track. Lakeland International Raceway (where Two Lane Blacktop was filmed) closed in 1978 when developers terminated the land lease. The old strip is now the main road through a housing development.

I've seen a rotor worn down the the vanes. The service writer kept the keys so the QA person wouldn't drive it because the owner would not approve any work not covered by warranty. We made the customer sign a waiver to protect us.

I have always loved these cars even though they kinda look like a catfish

Five million Cybermen could be killed by one Dalek according to Dalek Sec. It would not be a fight it would be "pest control"

Mk1 Cortina 61-70% Jalop - figured it would be more due to the articles' lead photo

I dunno what to think about this guy

"Arbitrary" - Taking a semi-rural narrow two lane road that was marked for 45mph and widening it but then narrowing the lanes to add bike lanes, lowering the speed limit to 30, and making the new road more "calming" by making it unnecessarily curvy. This lasted a few months until the drivers complained and the limit

I agree, I have found that people who want to text and drive (i.e. IDIOTS) seem to leave a 10 or so car gap. Then someone like me fills that gap and they slow down to reattain that gap causing everyone behind them to slow up. I have learned to live with it and found how to use it to my advantage. I have learned that

Might I also suggest to drive/borrow a fairly nice and clean car when you show up at the dealership. Several years ago when I needed a replacement for the wife's totaled Regal I borrowed my dad's low mileage '96 Roadmaster - sales reps crawled all over themselves to get that car as a trade in (was not gonna happen).

Like the Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust?

Because Texas

I am currently looking for a Lincoln LS manual to snatch the drivetrain out of and drop in my Mk2 Cortina.