Joey Nowhere

Please. Get it right.
Yippie-ki-yay, MISTER FALCON!

Way to go modern culture. Keep driving wedges between men and women, keep scaring the hell out of women and telling them the lie that all men are potential rapists…you'll get that negative population growth doubled in no time! Women kill way more men than men kill women, men just do it faster and less painfully.

One of these punk-poppers should have mentioned Elliot Easton of the Cars. That guy wrote GREAT short solos that worked perfectly in those short pop gems. He blew it up on that "New Cars" record too.

I understand your affinity for your guitar, but please, don't get buried with a guitar. Guitars are all about living, and if you really love the thing, leave it for someone else. You wouldn't get buried with your children or a favorite dog, (unless you are an Egyptian King), so let someone else love your "Lucille".

This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, except it seems like there are a lot of movie-lovers on this board. The best comedy I've seen in years is EXTRACT. Am I the only one who thinks that? And I love the movie, even though I find Mila Kunis unconvincing as a temptress (except, maybe, in Black Swan).