Joey Fudgeplant

Sounds like a scrotal disaster to me. 

let’s remember some guys! 

Lets remember some buzzkills: Tom Renney banned beer on Canucks team flights before being fired 19 games into the 1997-98 season.

Chad Ludington” is just too perfect a name for this story. 

Yeah, “It’s possible” it didn’t but highly likely that it did. I’d bet Chad Ludlington’s monogrammed Sulka robe on it.

Anyway, I think Devo demanded a certain amount of investment in their whole thing; I’m afraid it was pretty rare to find people that were willing to do that.

he’s going to go from chocolates to boiled lollies pretty quickly

That’s nothing. Lump stumbled on a kiss and tumbled in to love.

He was only down there for a few seconds, but his recording device recorded 18 hours of static.

I’m glad he didn’t draw pictures of badminton courts, the guys at Badminton Monthly would have just swatted lazily at the problem.

I don’t see Bitties in the BK Lounge? Minor outrage.

De La Soul is Dead is their best album IMO. This list is okay - I think I may have different preferences for their sound, but it’s indeed criminal that their catalog isn’t online. I have them all on my Google Music only because I ripped and uploaded my personal copies.

No ‘Ring Ring’? That was huge here in Australia. Looking it up, it went to No.4 in our pop charts. Easily their best known song here outside ‘Feel Good Inc.’

There should be a corollary to or alternate version of Poe’s Law about not being able to tell the difference between the natively bad grammar of an under-educated low-IQ idiot ranting online and a poorly-translated piece of foreign astroturf propaganda...

College football referee and baseball umpire here. So much of the commentary about this event has ascribed motivation to this official’s action, most of which is probably unwarranted. Ramos’s sole motivation was to enforce the rules, and enforce them as consistently as he could. He almost certainly didn’t want to

“I have a daughter and I stand for what is right for her and I’ve never cheated.”

Serena taking an ordinary rules violation, warnings are issued all the time, and making it out to be “cheating” was just silly. Then to evoke her daughter, call him a thief, and continuously demand an apology was just her playing to her audience. It might work well on reality TV but as a sports fan it was