Brian Fellows

im not gonna watch the video, but please tell me the pitch short hopped the plate by two feet and vlad drop kicked the piss out of it!

i like her. she seems so genuine, never pretending to be anything she is not.

my german shep beagle mutt used to eat rocks and shit concrete! he also ate a box of thumb tacks, his shit had tacks sticking out in all directions.....he was metal af! he also loved the insulation in the unfinished parts of the basement. i miss him terribly.

Which part of Dallas are you from - South Jersey or Chester County?

i was literally in the process of inking when i opened this article!!

As an Eagles fan who probably won’t see a Super Bowl in this lifetime, watching Cowboys fans suffer in due to an inevitable collapse is my heroin. May GM Jerry Jones live forever.

I mean just ten minutes ago (from the time of my writing) you posted a article that Ciara and Russell Wilson are now have sex. Who the hell are you with this “black man was murdered” business?

Jezebel underscores the level of badassness she possesses. She didn’t just hide in the bathroom armed with her iron. That iron had a plan! Here is what she intended to do with that iron from another interview: