joey di marco

I hope your dick gets cancer, I hope it fucking rots off, go fuck off back to breitbart.

There's 4 ways they could fuck it up.
1. By casting Lena Dunham as Clarice
2. Changing or erasing Buffalo Bill's character
3. Trying to be more of a mainstream procedural
4. Doing more weird artsy bullshit instead of having a plot (It works when David Lynch does it, Dosen't work when people try to copy it)

The guy who made this video has obviously never seen The Room or Birdemic, or the new Witchcraft Movies, I've seen acting much worse than anything in this video.

Robyn Lively's breakdown scene in this episode (along with the scene where she's running down the hallway screaming and looks like she's laughing) is horrible and is the worst acted scene in the original series.

I don't mind his or Chrysta Bell's acting, their not the best actors of course but their not that bad compared to other actors I've seen in other things (by that I mean Robyn Lively from the original series what a terrible actress and character).

I don't disagree about the story that the white house pushed a conspiracy theory to distract from Donald Trump's madness, The point I was trying to make was that some berniecrats/Jill Stein supporters also fell for the Seth Rich conspiracy theory because it fit into their Clinton is evil bias.

Jimmy Dore has 253,000 subscribers and over 87 million pageviews on his youtube channel, that's pretty scary and means a lot of people on the far-left are being misinformed.

Some people on the far left (like the young turks guy for example) are defending trump by not believing that he colluded with Russia and by suggesting the story was made up by the CIA to discredit WikiLeaks, These people are just as crazy as the Alt-Right.

He looks as guilty as hitler.

Rationalwiki has an article documenting all of his crazy views (like defending trump, calling Hillary Clinton a murderer, pushing conspiracy theories)…

he's on the young turks and he's a "comedian", he has a habit of repeating conspiracy theories and saying stupid shit.

some people on the left (like jimmy dore for example… believe the seth rich conspiracy theory too, we should bash nutjobs from both sides who push insane conspiracy theories.

i'm kinda skeptical, the fact that it's shot in Bulgaria and (with the exception of Lili Taylor and Stephen Dorff) has a cast of mostly british and bulgarian actors doing southern accents means it has a very high chance of being as bad as the wrong turn sequels were.

you know there's a plan without commercials, right.

I agree, the weird thing is most of the people like him who push the seth rich conspiracy theory are berniecrats who threw a hissy fit that their guy didn't win the nomination. so now they've decided to repeat WikiLeaks propaganda and become trump/putin apologists, because they believe that the world deserves to burn

he's been saying a lot of batshit crazy things lately, like claiming that the chemical attack in Syria was a false flag, and that Seth Rich's murder was connected to the DNC leaks, he's the reason I don't watch the young turks anymore.

of course jimmy dore is still denying any of this went down, what a fucking loon.

first you bash the new twin peaks and then this, not only do you bad taste but you're a racist too, welcome the to the block list jon boy.

a david lynch fan forum, it's usually a good site but there's been a lot of anti new twin peaks trolls taking over posts and saying the same shit over and over again.

when I first saw inland empire I didn't like it, the whole digital video look was off putting at first especially compared to the great cinematography of lost highway and Mulholland drive, when I saw it again 9 years later I liked it a little bit more but it's still not my favorite david lynch film, however I never