
My uncle had one of those, same colour too. His had a wood bumper however for that extra Canadian charm! Lots of fun driving in it. My other uncle put a 200w pioneer system in it (first separate amplifier system I ever saw, we’re talking early 80’s) and it could nearly kill the headlights at night (not that Lucas

Oscilloscope-quality graphics? Take that, 4K!!!!!!!



The Top Gear guys were wrong.

Restoring a frogeye/Spridget is only one level up from LEGO, with the added bonus that you can actually drive the final product...

You’re just trying to trick us, clearly that is just a picture of a building, there is no car there!

Urban camo. Nothing disappears better than a beige Camry.

Now I want pizza.

My memory clearly ain’t what it was!

Well Jason, ok for the Beetle design cue, but don’t forget the Citroën 2 CV in the same family. And the 2 cv has a grill, and obviously a front engine.

They haven’t learned much since.

That duck floaty (if that is even what it is meant to be) would look more at home in a Dali painting...

parking in the ocean is maybe not a good idea

Guy in sunglasses :“It’s nice that she shaved her underarms, but I’d still rather look at the Skoda.”

“Can we just park right in the ocean?”

something something Lexus involved something something liberals.