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    Every time i come to this site it’s like I just stepped onto a farm. What a bunch of i-sheep. If Apple wants to protect terrorist privacy, good for them.

    Hey Mario quick question, did you write this review using a physical keyboard, or a virtual keyboard?

    It’s priced right in Canada too, seeing as an iPhone that doesn’t deliver the same specs as the Priv costs $1100.

    What phone are you looking at? What specs are you reading? The Priv blows any Samsung and any iPhone right out of the water

    Really? Apple and Samsung price their phones in the same ballpark, why is $700 too expensive?

    This coming from Gizmodo, a site built on releasing leaked pictures of the latest iPhones. Congrats Mario, you’re the only reviewer i’ve seen who has totally trashed the Priv, and you’ve trashed it on features that BlackBerry excels in. You trashed the keyboard, one of the things that BlackBerry is praised for, what a