
As I said to another commenter, the way to measure the speed of a mass-transit system isn’t the velocity of a single vehicle moving through the system. It’s how many passengers it moves per unit of time. The purpose of a mass-transit system isn’t to move one person or one vehicle at a very high velocity, but to move ma

Yes, there are an awful lot of words in this article, and yet they never actually form the important point, which is the one that you make here: Anti-Semitism is evil and wrong, Farrakhan is and always has been a horrible anti-Semite, and Farrakhan should thus be condemned for that.

That’s not hard to do.  

it reminds me of the old stupid Cheech & Chong joke “I was all messed up on drugs, now I’m all messed up on the Lord.” Now the evangelicals are all messed up on Trump, but the speed with which Trump usurped their religious morals is still surreal to me. Watching “Christians” rush to aggressively defend the least godly

This comment also applies seamlessly to Ben Roethlisberger’s career.

The game is glorious in all its tedium. 

You wash them. 

Right now my kitchen sink contains a soiled cutting board that has been languishing in there for at least 48 hours;”

I was wondering about that, too, and I’ve been married for a long time. I don’t care what my husband thinks about how I vote. We happen to agree most of the time, but even if we didn’ vote is my vote, and it’s a private matter. I don’t have to tell anyone how I voted, including my husband. I choose to, but he

Tons of people struggle and the fact is many are “Not Poor Enough” to get help.

There’s no point in bending over backwards to understand Trump voters, repentant or not.  They knew what they were choosing, and need to take a long, hard look at their values.  We can’t do it for them.

The Atlantic leans left, so I see this as a paean to conservatives to demonstrate that the media really isn’t as bad as Trump says it is. But the last thing we need right before midterms is to humanize the inhumane.

I’m starting to think he’s a COMPLETE dipshit.

he went off to the store and came home by himself

I just want to point out that it wasn’t even like this was a Disney movie he liked from childhood. Aladdin came out when Ted Cruz was 22. Now I still watch Disney movies but who really cares about the songs enough to play it at their wedding even though their partner doesn’t as an adult?

Off topic but I just got this today and now I feel like I have a weapon

She is a parasite. 

As you say, all of this only happens because the NCAA doesn’t allow players to get paid.  Is there any way this either 1) forces the NCAA to allow players to be paid or (even better) 2) fucks the NCAA for some sort of lack of institutional control?  We all know the government wants to get its cut and the easiest way

I haven’t seen anyone justify Khabib’s actions.  What I do see is a lot of people wanting Dana and the UFC to admit that they did spur this on.  They sat idly by and let Connor say vile things all because it sold PPVs.  Now the ramifications of letting Connor run wild and using his words in their marketing campaign

So like, the Venn diagram of people who still like McGregor and MAGA chuds is a single overlapping circle, right?

This is quite groan inducing. Spider-Man helps Yuri, and by extension the NYPD, not the NYPD specifically, she is the only one he trusts, and likewise, and she is the only one he is truly attempting to help. Hell, several times during gameplay he remarks about leaving the scene before the police show up because he’s