
Also, notice the robots will shoot and shoot at someone…until they get too close. Like the X-Man robot wouldn't shoot Man in Black when he put the gun to his head, because even with these special bullets it would be too dangerous. But then Black got far enough away, he started shooting again. Same with Thandie

Why speculate on something that seems pretty clear and who gives a shit?

I think the second is the best.

I think it was like 3-4 million. Which makes sense, since the first was made for nothing and even the cheap sequels made for video probably had to cost a million each.

How brilliant is this episode NOW, bitches?

This was a ridiculously boring movie.

Been to some of these shows. Stars get asked really stupid questions all the time, and all you can do is hope it's at least asked quickly, and that it doesn't go on for two minutes as the social shut-in tries to figure out how words work.

Early Walken certainly is the topic. He didn't start out as a caricature of himself, that happens later, ya dig.

well, you may have seen 34 of his projects but the one you mention him being subtle and good in is fucking Wedding Crashers. If you've just seen shit like that and The Rundown, then you could have seen 34 of his movies and basically seen the later era Walken which is definitely not the same as early Walken, or even

Well fat balding guy, a sequel continuing the same adventures generally might need to revist those places and other characters. Do you bitch about how in Game of Thrones season 6 they're STILL going back to King's Landing?

Um…a sequel having the same characters show up isn't recycling, genius.

Wah, Stannis is supposed to burn Shireen in the books, Martin said so.

Yep, that's some good shit. And the movie worked simply because in the end, when Lithgow has to go man to man with Stallone, you actually buy that he's a real match. That's a great, old-timey ending fight.

Yeah, don't know what all of these snobs are talking about. It was a hit and a lot of people liked it.

What, Cliffhanger? It was a hit, dum dum.

No, it's pretty good, snob.

Yeah, at the point they became rebels, it was just going to be the same basic storyline over and over. As much as I loved that show, they made the right decision.


There's a lot of fetish films online with stuff like that.

I bet you have the shittiest taste in movies.