Wow, some real social retards out there in the wild.
Wow, some real social retards out there in the wild.
Why do nerds always make up heir own endings to shit they don't like, and then say what they watched was all a dream starting at a certain point?
Or they hired her, you have no clue, why do you give a fuck?
Damn, a review from a butthurt liberal mad that Key and Peele aren't satirizing what they want.
Fuck you, cunt.
I don't know, I think the Coens do give pretty decisive endings. No Country was more the anomaly, but generally the story ends with everything fairly tied up.
Except the Fargo movie didn't have an unresolved ending, at all…by the end of the movie, all of the characters pretty much ended up where you'd want them.
No one on the cast or crew tends to say anything good about him.
Well, that would definitely be the end of Sat Night Live!
They should make the candidates do comedy sketches or it's a NO GO.
Damn, the reviewer spent a lot of time talking about how unnerved and truly scared by this episode. Hope he never finds a spider on the toilet, he may die!
Hmm, your friend sounds stupid. Lots of great horror movies aren't actually scary. Who was truly scared by Re-Animator? Nightbreed's a pretty cool horror, ain't scary at all. Is Hellraiser actually scary? How about most monster movies?
Let's see if this one is though. I'm doubting it.
I think it had something to do with Patsy…something is going on with him and it's hard to say what specifically, but he does several things onscreen and they don't say why. But it clearly means something, they cut away to show him doing things. I think his son got involved in stuff, maybe got caught by the police…
Fozzie is as humanoid as…say, Jim Belushi.
Most muppets are nude! Although Fozzie does wear a tie…
I love that he mentioned Jeffrey Combs.
This was a nice bitchy article. The internet sort of does suck.