
Thank you so much for pointing out that college campus need to be unrefereed MMA rings, and anything less is an utter failure of civilization. All of us are better for you having nuked that straw man argument.
The AV Club comment section is such a more healthy place because you felt compelled to throw yourself on the

I don't get it. When did we all agree that McDonald's french fries were the best?
They're not. The author would prefer a McDonald's drive thru vs a brasserie with double duck fat fried pommes frites? OK. Also, cooking french fries isn't magic. It takes oil, potatoes, salt, and care. I feel certain McDonald's

Heh? His mystical ethnicity supplies him with super human powers. Nobody else in the show has dimension but him, and it's all about tattoos and mysticism… cuz aboriginal. He has the natural right to chew humans, because nobody knows the sorrows he's seen, ya see.
The show is ridiculous. You're spoonfed his native

The portrayal of Pablo Escobar's private life has to be one of the most ham-handed narrative arcs in the history of overwrought, self-important mini series.
He's got one dimension. Either he's whisper-talking to his wife, who whisper-talks back and is potentially the shittiestly-written actor on TV ever, or he's in a

The speculation should be they are a ridiculously convenient plot device without any thoughtful or meaningful backgrounds or motivation for doing anything they do. They are probably going to be very greedy, vindictive criminal-types who try to enlist Penguin into some shenanigans, where he can oppose them and be on

Also, did you know that Spartanburg is apparently a suburb of DC? Round trip takes only like 1hr, apparently. Or something.
If all it takes is urgency to re-write genomes in the basement labs of rank and file hospitals, then… why isn't it happening?
So Joel McCay is the only broadcaster, and everyone watches his

So odd… All the comments below are about Artie on Howard Stern, and about how you each expect him to die soon. Terrific, unique, topical stuff, really.
Have none of you listened to his radio show he used to co-host with Nick DePalma? That became a simulcast nightly show on DirecTv for 3 years? DirecTV kicked Nick

So nobody has said yet that this is "Lost" meets "The Venture Brothers"