
You think Gizmodo would bother to actually write facts down that dont cause an emotional response in its readers? What is this? a news blog? LOL

I think they are independent record labels not necessarily Indie genre of music. Gizmodo, fantastic reporting s always... Not sure why I bother to come to this website.

Got to love gizmodo's reporting. I come here just to laugh at them.

Greta reporting! You guys always seem to teach me something new every day. And your comedy is top notch! /sarcasm

that cover is pretty awesome. Not sure why they bothered with a white bezel.

still no mention of the location in the photos or where they came from? What the fuck is this? You suck Mr. Diaz.

@technologiq: stop with the mis information. They dont drive on the left in the US

Where is this? What a shitty ass article.

how about telling us where this is? Wtf...

@fleebailey33: i hate htc sense. Stock android is beautiful and works great now. I agree with @Woozle Wozzle

@atrus123: Same, then you can have all your apps from your phone on your tablet as well.

why do you watermark an image provided by lego?

go freedom!

@Ccomfo1: no they waste is on millions of things daily. I work for the govt. i get paid salary, all i do is nothing. i eat lunch and go online all day at work.

This is exactly what we should be spending our money on. Investigating an incident that was already admitted to. Woo-hoo! Who cares about illegal torture and wiretapping done by our federal gov't. let's spend money on figuring out if google got private data like they admitted to doing.

@Drakkim: but he didnt he go public personally? It's not like he posted it on a google blog or anything is it?

@Anubis LG: I guess. But this headline is a LIE.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...! Welcoem to the world of HDR facebook photos and want-a-bee photos.

@joey006: its a freaking Google engineer. not google. I work the the state govt of MD. if i posted a security flaw, would it be "MARYLAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICLY PULLS MICROSOFT UP ON SECURITY FLAW"?

How is this google's fault? Really? WTF is with media and mis-leading headlines?