Jane Doh

Crazy me...I thought the important thing was for accusers to be able to identify their rapists!

America is great. This man is great. The people who fist-bumped him are great.

Whoever advised her on it was really clever though. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her explicitly mention Judaism or converting but she talks about “her faith” all the time. That’s a total Evangelical Christian turn of phrase. So she’s effectively tricked the Evangelicals into believing she’s one of them without

Lady, it’s way, way, way too late for that. Women are going to be looking at the dress aisle at Ross Dress For Less, pull out what turns out to be an Ivanka Trump dress, feel like they’ve licked battery acid, and move on — for years to come!

Sorry, when you use Daddy’s money and influence to build your brand, you don’t get to claim independence when people realize he’s a monster. Can’t have it both ways.

As an undecided voter this is really hard for me. How can I tell who is telling the truth? Is it ten women or the chronic liar who brags about sexaully abusing women? King Solomon himself could not solve this riddle!!!!!!

And he’s a typical dilettante, thinking everybody’s hard fought for profession would be sooooo easy to do himself. He’s doing his damndest to be the best Dunning-Kruger ever, and still failing because that’s how truly incompetent and lazy he is.

Look, I love Canada. They’re awesome. That being said, it’s not like they don’t have electoral issues from time to time.

Laughing HYSTERICALLY. Which is the response all of these buffoons will probably receive for the next 3 weeks.

At this point I can’t imagine that they actually believe he’s going to win. The only reason I can see them sticking with him now is that Trump must have some sort of horrific blackmail on both of them.

Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!

My theory is Samantha Bee’s rant rattled them and rightfully so. NBC was buddy buddy for Trump for far too long even after they pulled his show. Jimmy Fallon should be ashamed of himself.

Fuck NBC. A control room full of people heard this conversation 11 years ago. This tape sat around that entire time, people knew about it; NBC conveniently remembered it a week ago and only decided to kinda do something about it because it went public.

What makes me angry about this is that The Apprentice producers have come out saying “Hey, he said much much worse” - so you know that NBC had to know what a complete asshole Trump was for years and years. Hell, they probably were aware of what a sycophant disgusting asshole Billy Bush was. And what bothers me

I can’t believe that Billy Bush lost his job as an entertainment reporter over these comments, but over 40% of the country still wants Trump to be PRESIDENT.

Al Roker already knew Billy Bush ain’t worth shit

Billy Bush is total garbage and a walking lawsuit for NBC. As gross and outrageous as Trump’s comments were, Bush was talking about his co-worker and another guest on the show. Any woman who works there would be well within her rights to say that he creates a hostile work environment and any female guest could say she

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

Memo to Clinton campaign: Get Nancy O’Dell in the front row for tomorrow’s debate . No ifs, ands, or buts. GET.HER.THERE!

“Like an enigmatic case of herpes, Donald Trump is back in the news”