TV GUIDE would tell you. Everyone bought it.
Why do people forget TV Guide existed?
TV GUIDE would tell you. Everyone bought it.
Why do people forget TV Guide existed?
During the action scenes will Peacocks fly in slow motion?
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits.
I would never bet against James Cameron, but what does he have up his sleeve that’s going to blow the minds of audiences in 2022 that hasn’t already been done in the intervening 13 years of cinema and visual effects?
Also, it’s a family drama from a guy with a tin ear for dialogue?
So the 2021 Best Picture Oscar went to...CODA, which was an Apple TV+ film?
Four comments (now 5!) in 4 1/2 days. I am fascinated that this review got buried even though it’s on the Film page, and the review is listed on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes. Was it posted/buried only because of the end of the review embargo? And will it magically appear this coming week on the AV Club front page for…
Review was posted at 10:38am and no comments?
True. Pop songs don’t have bridges anymore!
As Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman while making Marathon Man: “My dear boy, why don’t you try acting?”
But May 25th is the 45th Anniversary of Star Wars’ opening day and THIS RUINS THE TEMPORAL SYNERGY WITH LEGACY CONTENT.
This times 1 bazillion.
Studio exec: “Well, that Clerks thing worked out. Here are the keys to the movie-making machine. What’s next?”
Kevin: “Mallrats.”
His films are obvious and sophomoric (not even good sophomoric!) and he was never really a talented film maker, even though he made lots of movies.
On the positive side…
Rip Taylor died in 2019.
Will Smith gets to watch from home next year as Chris Rock hands out the Best Actress Oscar.
Oh, good......a slideshow.
Speaking of Will Smith, did anyone notice Miguelito Loveless and James West both won Oscars this year?
Read this past week’s Hollywood Reporter “Brutally Honest Oscar Ballots” by anonymous Academy voters and you’ll see the “it’s their turn” thing is still deeply ingrained in the choice calculus. Even with a weak filmography like Will Smith’s.
March is the perfect the Southern Hemisphere!
If you don’t like U2 I recommend the first 15min of David Guggenheim’s Making of ‘Achtung Baby’ doc “From The Sky Down”. They self-flagellate themselves for being clueless dorks and thinking anybody would actually want to watch them “discover” American roots music in ‘Rattle and Hum’. A refreshingly blunt…