
oh please. whining about critics doesnt make a bad show good

You do see the hypocrisy in calling someone rude for expressing a contrary opinion when you’ve come here solely to criticize the reviewer’s opinion, right?

The show is shit.

Bias, it’s not biased. It’s that the show is baaaaad.

The show sucks dude. It’s bad. It’s boring.

i mean, theres really nothing as a rational that should make me want to come back and watch more outside of the fact that this is walking dead. ill continue to watch and hope they come up with something interesting.

My GF did the same thing last night before the show aired. I rebuttled with, “well we don’t have anything else going on.” We ended up getting Taco Bell and watching the new Simpsons and Bob’s Burgers instead. That was a better decision.

I’ve frankly never been a big fan of this writer’s work, but his criticisms are all on point regarding this lousy show, and they’re consistent with reactions from across the Internet. You could go into this season premiere completely cold and agree that it’s slow, uninspired and uninvolving.

Guess what critics are paid

is this gale ann hurd here? or another executive on the show? fear the walking dude is just...boring. I sat there with my gf and watched. shes not a huge fan of walking dead but puts up with it...this one though...she turns to me and goes “this show...just sucks. Its boring.” And i sat there for a minute to try and