Joe Wright

9, 14 and 15 all have better looking Carbuncles than 8. 6 too, but it’s low res enough you can see what you want to in it I suppose.

For a minute there I thought this headline said Criterion were finally back to making Burnout and I got excited. The emotional rollercoaster crushed my organs. I mean, it’s still good news, but fuck. Burnout 3 is in my top 5 games of all time. It hurts to see it disappear in the rear-view mirror of history.

I was all ready to argue that it’s just a weird pants texture, but that art is pretty convincing - the real question is whether the new Bring Arts figures will feature exposed ass or not.

Same. In the entire history of Xbox I’ve never once wanted one, because they simply don’t have any exclusives that I want to play. I think there’s a clear divide in audience between Sony and MS: MS seem to have a strict ethos in their top titles of focusing very heavily on their competitive aspect, which always leaves

Speaking as a dude who struggles to find energy and motivation to get his life together (although not quite to the extent of not having my own bank account and running up thousands in debt), that relationship does sound like a lost cause and you need to stop carrying his weight if you want to be happy.

I really loved how this game played, but I just didn’t have room in my life to keep up with an ongoing competitive game. I hope the ideas and art somehow survive and evolve in some future game.

The Full English Breakfast is honestly fantastic, and every single one of the regional variants has something to recommend it. I’ve been told by Americans that baked beans in the US are weird sugary trash, which possibly explains the reaction here?

I occasionally spoil myself if I’m too invested in something and know I’m going to have trouble remaining unspoiled - I’ll read a synopsis or something on my own terms, just to get rid of the anxiety.
Having even that choice taken away from you is incredibly aggravating though. I remember fantasising for years what the

‘especially the women’ doesn’t reflect the opinions I saw - Fang and Vanille had a decent story (although it was poorly communicated and I can understand players not actually making it far enough to see it), and Lightning is a decent character design if nothing else. Hope and Snow meanwhile were pretty much

Same. Criterion did an excellent job on that mode, it feels really good. Such a lack of maps and support in general though. I’m not sure they’ve added any new maps at all since launch, and Solo came out during that window so I wouldn’t put money on ever seeing any additions.

I’ve always wanted someone to compile a book of videogame maps. Shadow of the Colossus, Hyper Light Drifter, Witcher 3, Mario World, etc ... it’d be gorgeous

How does Sandaconda look like a fleshlight? A fleshlight is just a big cylinder with a vulva on the end, right? That looks more like a crocodile climbing through a doughnut

As a Brit I’ve never come across Silverhawks before but that intro was legitimately dope and I’d watch a reboot of that for sure.

I have it! It took years before I found a used copy for a reasonable price, but it was worth the wait!

I did that as a kid, I brought Vivi and Dagger to Oeilvert and when I realised what I’d done when getting destroyed by the Ark boss I was genuinely distraught. I actually went back the day after and brute forced my way through out of sheer desperation, I remember using Vivi and Dagger as dedicated potion healers and I’

I was picturing FF9 while reading this, those backgrounds are magical. Every single one of them is like imagination superfuel, I want to exist in there.

Did Nintendo super underclock the Switch for reliability or something? It’s crazy that there’s so much more juice in there.

I was starting to worry it was never coming - this was by far my most wanted feature, Fashion Hunter!

Avebury’s fantastic, the whole thing of a village inside a giant megalithic monument is so unique, and it’s impressively well preserved. 

Now playing

To anyone who was going to skip the embedded video: Please watch at least the first minute. It was originally made to illustrate exactly why the game is so tragically boring to appease viewers of Pat & Woolie on the SuperBestFriends channel after they notoriously skipped DMC2 in their series playthrough. Their video