V Rat

Sorry, the title is incorrect. It isn’t weaving the carbon fiber, it’s applying ribbons of carbon fiber along with a resin. It’s not new and it’s not a BIG machine. It’s neat to watch, but all it is, is a new toy for the boys down at NASA that someone saw online and convinced the right people to buy one.

They didn’t cover all the hits. After all targets were targeted, there were several of the 80 bombs with no targets. They drew a smilie face with the left overs. :)

AF-2 (Air Frame #2) would be a test plane. He’s most likely dead on when he states AF-2 lacks the capabilities of a fully developed F35. The first aircraft built of any type are purely for testing different aspects of that models capabilities. The first air frame might simply be for testing the operational flight

The YF-23 has to be the best looking fighter aircraft I’ve ever seen. Our test lab would empty out when it was flying around Edwards AFB during the fly off with the YF-22. The YF-23 was so sleek, it would disappear from sight when viewed from a distance. The YF-22 on the other hand, well, you could see those billboard

But, they did save a lot of money by hiring grade school kids to design, build and maintain I-76 through PA.

Look, do-it-yourself mullet.

Lexus mullet, BMW mullet.

These are the ‘Mullets’ (hair style, not the fish) of the 2010’s.

Aux air intake porn.

Sure, they’ll need to buy more KC-130s. And who makes the MC-130s? Lockheed Martin, the same manufacture of the....wait for it.........F35. BTW, the new Air Force tanker will be able to refuel Navy aircraft.

I want to see the same take off with a full load of weapons and a center line fuel tank. Oh, wait. It can’t. No big deal, we’ll just hook up with a tanker after take off. Oh, wait. That means buying more tankers. Can you say, “More indirect costs for the F35 program.” ? Good thing our newest aircraft carriers will

Sorry, your mother is in pain. But, Oxy is NOT the answer. My wife was taking Oxy for 5 years for severe back pain caused by degenerative disc disorder. She hated taking Oxy. All it does is gets you high and when it wears off the pain is mostly from withdraws. The brain fools the body into thinking it’s still in

How would you like this aircraft flying over your home?

Great advice. But, as a leader of our unit, how can upper management’s direct micro-management of my people be addressed? I’ve asked myself “What am I saying that’s not being heard, by my management?” The answer is usually, everything.

The cost of this building is just a drop in the bucket compared to what we left behind and unused in Iraq. It’s also nothing compared to what has been built on Bagram Air Field and in Kabul. The president announced a few years ago that we will be surrendering, er, withdrawing from Afghanistan by the end of this year,

Is the military good at its job? Yes. That is, once objectives are defined and operations are adapted to suit the projected operations environment. The problem is our military system is too huge (bloated) to rapidly adapt to new conflict scenarios.

Outside temperature isn't an issue. Any aircraft flying above 25,000 feet is exposed to -40 degrees F. That's pretty cold. Also, all aircraft are tested in the WcKinley Climatic Laboratory,…, at Eglin AFB. They can be tested at temperatures ranging from +165F to -70F. If you've

True. But, they've been trying to dump that aircraft since the 1980's. Back then it was to be replaced with the F-16. Now, they want to replace it with the F-35. Kind of like when they replaced the F-4G Wild Weasel with the F-16. Didn't work out so well.......

Those inlet doors were a great idea. You don't want to FOD an engine using a dirt runway. U.S military won't build a dirt runway aircraft. We like to hang to many expensive gadgets on the bottom of our jets. An F-16 with an ALQ-184 pod hung on the center line only has a few inches of clearance. One rock thrown up by