Joe Twelvepack

While I agree with your statement and would like to subscribe to your newsletter, I must point out that I have never seen a pic of Kanye where he looks happy at all.

Poorly functioning amygdala nerve is a physical component and that can have a genetic component

Same here. But I wanted to be famous, so that I would be universally loved. Like, I could go anywhere and people would love me and be nice to me without me having extricate myself from my fragile ego to do so.
ETA: I am pretty lovable but I'm very quiet about it

Except that, all of the more harmful, more horrendous things she could say, she WOULD have said. If she could get away with it.
What she did say: "I have love in my heart for you even though you are all going to hell #notmyfault #youcantjudgethis," is an evolution of her rhetoric not her consciousness.

I have some sort of entity that has played some tricks on me. Three that I noticed, and I try to not notice them or pay too much attention to them because two of the incidents were extreme pains in the ass.

If by "anyone" you meant your boyfriend.

He's the boogeyman that liberal parents scare their children with.

Hunter Moore is on tour as a dj. It's being promoted as "Hunter Moore DJ (Is Anyone Up?)"

When I was 28, I had health insurance so I decided to get snipped. At my initial interview, the Dr said that according to my chart, I was too young and didn't have any children. I told him that I had a little girl but I was estranged from the mother and that was good enough for him even though it was a complete lie.

I didn't realize the entrance to the Georgia O'Keefe gallery was one of her rare installations.

I figured that Lydia got the ricin in her Stevia as well, and apparently she did but I challenge anyone to show me a frame where the stevia packet left her hand.
This is just like Walts poisoning of Brock, which was never shown and though is said by everyone else to have occurred its never explained except a Comic con

Badger walks into the Aryan Nation looking to score. He knocks a ladder with a pail of HCl on it which falls on Walt killing him just as he finished shooting all of the Nazis with the giant gun he bought.

When my aunt left my uncle she moved out and into an apartment. While unpacking, she decided to listen to music and when she tried to play an LP (google it, kids) she found that he had scratched all of the songs (on every record she owned) that contained the word "love".

I was Team Walter until I started rewatching from the beginning. When I first started watching, I was connected to Walter and had feels representative of this (Skylar's a bitch, Hank's a macho bro, Jessie's just a f@ckup).

What's the half life of Skittles? How long would you have to wait for a bag to go stale?

Mayonnaise sandwich on WHITE bread


Get a new friend who isn't so infatuated with you that they read every tweet and can't contain their thoughts concerning it and need to lie that it's occurring.

... When they agree with the speech.

That was my first guess.