
What was it Charlie Stross said...he writes "entertaining lies"....

Then of coure the revolution will happen and ...well, we'll have less of those 1%ers around at the end of it.

Not very.....

Ass pull gazette has a good ring to it....Ie where they get some of these "predictions"

Battle of Yonkers?

Nah, you'll just swap it for a Terran federation one, or a Sol combine one or an Earth alliance one ......I love sci-fi.

Not gullible but you should always take medical reports of wonder breakthroughs with a pinch of salt.

I can just see it now, companies can already fire people for smoking, in this future they could fire you for not getting a company mandated prostethic or augmentaion to improve performance.

"50 years until we stop aging

It is a good, nay GREAT! ;) seed of a story. If you do write it please post it up somewhere, where we can all enjoy it :)

I'm stealing your idea........

So ME get's it's movie before HALO?....mmmmm

No one asked you to understand probably wouldn't anyway.

You know Ben Kingsley's real name is "Krishna Pandit Bhanji"...I'm not sure he could get more "Asian"

I think you'll both be waiting quite a while.

Now playing

Mate, no offence but you sound like a large part of the problem, or more precisely the rut you seem to be stuck in.

So I take it he could make the Kessel run in 18 parsecs per linen bale while counting his farthings and shillings?

Seriousy what century is this......and how many bushels in a furlong would it take to make up 128k feet?

To be fair this series is trying to get conspiracy theorists to re-evaluate their beliefs.