
Jumping giant tits Batman!

He has done it!.....BOO YAH!!

I think if I sat through this movie I might have to then step infront of one of those trains everyone is travelling on.

I haven't watched this show, just reading the recap's CJ has been posting...and this show sounds utterly ridiculous, even beyond suspension of disbelief.

Wasn't Jesus always a Jedi, long flowing robes, Jedi mind powers, levitation, mind reading, clarvoyance ect?

Baumgartner himself has said tht Kittinger is "the man" and that whatever nerves or jitters he feels always get blasted away when Joe is around.

Alcor wants business, so like any business they will play up the "good", plus they have a habit of using pseudo-scientific/medical terms they come up with to "explain" things.

What "science" though?

This is a discussion forum, you don't set the rules on what we can or can't comment on.

Come on CM, they have been at this since what...the 60's?

Looking through the photos...a lot of the "facilities" seem rather rudimentry if not ramshackle.

Yep....Unless they defrost them to put them into a permenent museum display.

Other problems actually are the companies themselves, Alcor ect surving them seem to be on somewhat shaky financial grounds a lot of the time and have to hit up wealthy clients for cash to tide them over.

No these people are dead today, fixing what ever killed them pales next to the actual act of reviving them and fixing the brain damage ect.


The belief is that there is some technology that the future will make possible to repair, revive and even reconstruct the dea.

You should hear him when he wonders in the areas he has absolutely no knowlage Biology, it's cringingly bad.

I guess they couldn't get Charlie Stross, he kind of was nobility amongst the TH types, untill of course he said he wrote "entertaining lies" and and came out with this doozy in support of Dale Carrico and his "Amor mundi" blog"

Most of these TH/H+/singulatarians are also into all they have to do is cure death and they'll live on with RoboJesus for evah!

Yep...although God help you (lol) if you point that out to them.