Ah 30+ mllion surplus men....thats WWIII in neat numbers for ya...
Ah 30+ mllion surplus men....thats WWIII in neat numbers for ya...
Fair enough mate, but I'd think of "Evil" in a more etheral or ethical sense personally.
What semi decent science site would use the term "evil" to describe a disease.
Because in the magic TH/H+ "WORLD OF TOMORROW", all these problems will be made go away by RoboJesus (tm)
What's that sound I hear?..why it's the rare Kurzweilian tugging itself to a furious orgasm.....
Yes it was...
Oh I know, but the first person to be hurt even accidently by one of these RPV's and watch the shit storm hit.
People are uncomfortable with Reapers firing hellfires at people in Pakistan, never mind a UGV (UPV?) doing the same in the US.
Wow it's a wank list of TH/H+/Singulatarians hopes and dreams....
For science!!
Along with the rest of the people who replied to me weeks later on this topic with their witty recounters, please go fuck yourself.
The TH/H+ etc movement is full of shit like that.
Yeah, thats my job....
Thanks for the input, I'll write that down and store it somewhere to not give a shit about later.
Now this is the shit I crave, SF and metal.
As someone in Yurop who has already had the immense pleasure of seeing this...I would encourage you all to go when it's out in 'murica.
He has to "borrow" another judges armour....you'll see why in the movie.
Meh, not worth it now.....
Go fuck yourself you pompous muppet.....