Joe Thrashnkill

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Each day I’m more and more convinced that the commenters on Jezebel have never met anyone that isn’t like them (except their uncle or in-laws that they hate). The inability to grasp we lost is astonishing. The majority of people don’t find identity politics appealing. Most people vote for what they perceive to be the

Eh, I’ve been around. I was browbeaten into submission during the primaries, fought the good fight for Clinton in the general, worried about each mistake and called them out in turn, but ultimately stayed loyal to the party. Of course, if you even thought about voting for a socialist in the primaries, you’re among

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell:

Sanders got my vote as soon as he promised to send any white person who says “YAS QUEEN!” to Guantanamo.