Barstool is the spiritual descendant of the Coors light “and twins!” commercials.
Barstool is the spiritual descendant of the Coors light “and twins!” commercials.
Can all the Deadspin MLB writers acknowledge that they were wrong (and super whiny about it) when they spent the last two months throwing darts at the owners for not handing Harper and Machado their rightful fortunes?
Yeah, she wasn’t a great candidate. I don’t think it was because she was a centrist though.
Counterpoint: it seems like a lot of people have been brainwashed into believing all you need to do is elect Bernie president and the rest will fall into place. Do we think supporting a super progressive candidate is going to usher in an era of large Senate majorities for Democrats? I don’t. And the backlash that cost…
Rad. I’ll probably vote for your candidate if he/she makes it to the end. I’m guessing the middle will win though.
Does that mean “sit out the vote” if your candidate doesn’t make it? Because I frankly don’t care who you support now, as long as you don’t throw a fit in Nov 2020 if you don’t get exactly your way.
I get it, but I would argue that making campaign promises that have no chance whatsoever of happening is not a great idea. And I don’t think you can wave away incremental gains... they do happen. My hope is that a Klobuchar/Brown wins, expands things I want expanded modestly, builds credibility by getting things done,…
Your point of view is that candidates should stand up and sell ideas (that you agree can’t pass) to get the crowd warmed up to the idea? But that talking about ideas that expand access (that you assert cannot pass) should not be discussed? I dunno man.
Great, we mostly agree. So enough with the purity tests over health care and free college. As long as you’ll show up and vote Klobuchar or Brown in Nov 2020 if that’s who the nomination is.
Go for whatever gusto you want, just make sure you show up to vote when a moderate gets the nomination. We still need the Senate and House and can’t afford for you to throw a tantrum and stay home.
Or course they are. Expanding Pell grants and expanding the ability to refinance loans and making 2 year college more affordable is obviously more attainable than free college for everyone. Implementing some fixes to the ACA is obviously more attainable than Medicare for All. If your position is that nobody could get…
This is going to be so exhausting for the next year and a half. Support the bolder choice if you want, but the balance of power in the Senate is not going to allow Bernie or Warren to implement their most progressive ideas. Until you have a plausible way to get to 60 Democrats, Klobuchar and Brown’s plans are going to…
Also, he’s not going to be able to get any of this stuff done unless the Senate wildly and unexpectedly swings to the left so you should probably care less what he thinks about health care and more what he thinks about foreign policy and judicial appointments and such.
This is the dumbest take. If you don’t want small market teams to get good players, then argue to contract the league. Otherwise WTF are you talking about?
Will Deadspin writers finally stop complaining that the MLB labor situation is unfair now that he signed for THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?
Are any of these Deadspin posts on MLB free agency going to mention that there’s a players union that agreed to the rules?
That doesn’t really make sense. You go to the police and identify the players. The police go to the players and ask for the identify of the girls with them. But hey, the girl seems to have had a rough life overall, so maybe pointless to argue over whether what she did was logical.
Yeah, feel free to explain yourself. I read the whole article. The sexual assault was reported by the girl to the police. It says nothing about her reporting it to Kapler. Look, Kapler is probably a shitty person, I’m not defending him for anything in his life. But the way they framed this in the headline is not what…
According to the article, the girl reported the sexual assault to the police when she was caught shoplifting. It doesn’t say anything about her reporting it to Kapler via email.
The headline is kind of misleading. You know from phrasing it that way that people are going to assume Kapler didn’t report a sexual assault. Also, why would you email Gabe Kapler if it was two women who allegedly committed the assault and not his players?