If you choose to make it about one gender, then you have made a comparison. That’s how logic and rhetoric work. I don’t know if you realize that.
If you choose to make it about one gender, then you have made a comparison. That’s how logic and rhetoric work. I don’t know if you realize that.
And still kill themselves at less than half the rate that male veterans do. But who gives a shit about men, amirite?
So who’s subjugating you if you’re the one who chooses to live in fear? Men die from strangers at way higher rates than women do. A man is more likely to be attacked on the street than a woman is, but the man shows no fear. Not even to other men. Is that somehow a problem?
And nobody cares about your “flower” of a vagina. Seriously, no one.
Were they the same guys? Makes a bit of a fucking difference, unless you group all men together while ironically refusing to be grouped with all other women.
If you’d move outside of Brooklyn or Park Slope or whatever hellhole you call paradise, you’d know that most men never even think about their penises. Get a larger sample. Do a little living. Maybe learn a thing or two about people. Go on. Break free!
Josh Duggar is a villain, but Lena Dunham is a hero for doing the same thing. Gotcha. Thanks, Jezzzzzzzz. Yer the bessssssssssst.
There’s nothing “progressive” about you or your ideas. They’ve existed since time immemorial. You’re just an ignorant ass who hasn’t studied history, and clearly knows nothing about sexuality.
You have zero idea if any of the girls did anything to the boys that was inappropriate.
In middle school, they need to be taught to avoid sex. No exceptions.
Would you say the same about women with erect nipples or mother’s breastfeeding in public? No? Then shut the fuck up. There’s no room for double fucking standards in 2015.
It’s not fragile. It’s just that so many men have internalized the bullshit that sites like this spew out on how masculinity should be DIFFERENT than what it actually is. But, you know, it’s only men who are sexist.
Funny. I’ve changed tires for literally dozens of (at least 2-dozen) stranded women who didn’t know how, and my 3 sisters at least twice each.
Why do you suppose fewer men are single parents? What does a man who wants a child, but doesn’t want the mother in the picture do—especially if he wants it to be his own genetic child? What options do you suggest for him?
unless theyre republican, straight, or christian. right?
Are you really not going to address his actually hate-filled, belligerent screeds he’s hurled at christian passersby—all of which is on the record? Are you really going to wait for that all to boil back up on youtube and bite you in the ass for this post?
I love how there’s absolutely no regard for the fact that this terrible treatment is par for the course for every male inmate in that prison. Let’s not talk about how we can reform prisons to keep this from happening to people! No, no. Let’s only ever talk about how to keep women out of the clutches of terrible men,…
Right, because they should write the storyline for maximum fairness, rather than treating it as a traditional narrative (or “art”).
Only an idiot would think video games (or anything in life) needs to be fair.
They’ve never not acknowledged them. What about Tomb Raider? What about the Creed titles starring women? What about Beyond Good & Evil? Etc.