Joe S

And youre acting like they are, and that everyone accepts this notion. The vast majority of people don’t.

I think you mean giving people what they shrieked and bitched and threw ridiculous tantrums over. I think you mean people calling artists horrible things for making the art that they wanted to make, which was completely inoffensive. These were not just some polite calls for diversity from fans and customers. They were

“White people” are not responsible for slavery. The names of the individuals each specifically responsible for it would be difficult to come by, but no—white people as a class are not responsible. Fuck that noise. You know how many of our families came over on a boat after slavery was good and dead? I’ll give you a

“Men don’t hit women,” has been beaten into the heads of every young man with a father who isn’t an abuser himself. I literally had it beaten into my head. You know what’s a more common story? My sisters would kick, scratch, and cut me, and I’d get belted or smacked upside the head if I did anything but leave the

No, most men know its wrong and don’t do it. The very, very, very few who do also know it’s wrong, but you show your ignorance when you act like it’s most men.

Stop trying to conflate mentally ill, violent people with well-meaning but clueless young men. They are not the same. The way you talk about the former is what makes the latter think that you are talking about them, leading them to come try and defend themselves. But it’s writers like you—conflating the two types of

You mean people who make it very clear that they are willing to do anything to anyone who stands between them and what they want to do? Who enshrined in their core teachings that they will DESTROY anyone who opposes them? How could that hurt your cause to continue killing children who stand in the way of their mothers

There’s about a million other things, though.

Is it so hard to understand why someone would feel passionate about something they believe to be murder?

The nose is wrong.

So why not run a story on the female students exposing themselves on college campuses, and make similar overtures about survivors of sexual assault being triggered? There are 2 such stories in the news this very moment, but Jezebel isn’t running any of those. I wonder why not.

No, not really. Opposite for most men.

Every data point you could extrapolate incorrectly from you have done so. Congrats.

Just over the living beings with their own rights growing inside said systems, actually.

Always looking to be the victim even in a situation without one.

No one has ever connected the single mothers with the problem outside of liberals looking to feel victimized. He is very clearly blaming men for not stepping up.

No one has ever blamed single mothers. They have always blamed the fathers for leaving single mothers a task they cannot do as well as a married couple.

If you don’t think people need fathers, and that fathers are as essential as mothers, you’ve really jumped the shark.

While he’s only vaguely coherent, it’s actually very easy to see what he’s saying. He’s suggesting that (as you can see from the video) the two way-mirror is obvious. And that it’s part of a fun-house/haunted house gag they do. And the closet doesn’t lead anywhere, so no one is sneaking looks at the person using the

It’s funny how you act like the younger generations AREN’T a bunch of sex-crazed animals. Both statistically, and anecdotally that is the honest truth. If you looked at the way I live compared to the lifestyles glorified and normalized by Gawker websites (especially this one) you would see just how far gone you really