Why would a flat out denial take the form of an apology, Erin?
Why would a flat out denial take the form of an apology, Erin?
It's more about the murder, hon. It's not really about the money. I don't know what gave you that impression. The murder. Not money.
I work in marketing and advertising, and it's funny how people like me take things like this for granted. It's a cool background. That's why. But your prosaic question really made me laugh hard. Well done.
It's the same level of "phenomena" of women who have camel toe in their yoga pants, or women who don't wear bras under their thin shirts, or any number of other "phenomena" that you would get a tongue lashing here for. That's the point. It's degrading an entire gender because of what some people allow themselves to go…
Locking a child in their room is NOT—in and of itself—an "abuse," because you—as their parent—have the right to do this, and they do not have a right to wander about as they please. They do have a right not to be locked in a room so long that it is harmful to their development, but the "stress" or "displeasure" that…
When the discussion is about clothing, and not about politics, no one is "overlooking" anything. You don't start a conversation about clothing with a discussion on slavery from over a century ago. Are you fucking crazy?
On behalf of all white people everywhere—Kara—I apologize for everything that happened to your ancestors after their neighboring tribe sold them to white people. Incidentally, not everything about the antebellum period was absolute shit. Just like today, people who do shitty things also sometimes do good things. For…
I have to question anyone doing statistical research who believes that 400 respondents to her survey represent the entirety of #gamergate — or even a "statistically significant" portion of them. The research may have been insightful prior to these idiots getting ahold of it, but the lack of academic prowess on the…
Considering that the average American woman strikes her children more than once a day (starting when they are as young as 7 months old), I'd say you might be on to something.
If you don't side with your spouse over your child, you don't have a healthy marriage. Full stop. Now, it could be that you don't side with them because they are a monster and your child was hurt by them, but then—again—it's because you don't have a healthy marriage. You couldn't have a healthy marriage with a…
sorry, when did you get conclusive proof that the allegation was true? i must've missed that.
...and when they don't?
...which would be manipulative and evil, because there are a host of reasons (that a simple-minded individual such as yourself might not be aware of) why a person might need to or choose to refuse the polygraph test—not the least of which being that polygraphs are basically witchcraft, and completely useless to people…
Because they're all treated like freakshows by feminist blogs for months and months until a nice "gender" button can be pushed?
Actually, for very good reasons, the burden of proof is always on the accuser. The Salem witch trials also put the burden of proof on the accused, and look how we regard that affair. If you're specifically *tasked* with being an advocate for a person claiming abuse, then it is your job to assume the abuse occurred. We…
It really kills me to say this, but I'm boycotting AC: Unity because of this anti-consumer bullshit. I can't tell you how much I wanted to play that game, but—come November—I'll be playing DA: Inquisition (probably a slightly inferior game) instead.
Yeah, that's a completely bogus stance.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
As interesting as this is, there's so much revisionism as it relates to society at large within this write-up. It becomes hard to take it seriously.
This guy might be an asswipe, but why are you all so afraid of male vulnerability when it manifests itself as a sense of personal struggle? Do you want white males to continue ignoring your plight because you make it clear you're not interested in relating to them anymore than they are you?