Joe S

Public institutions are all guided by the same principles. Age of the pupils does not change ethics. I pity the kids who went to whatever university you were or will be put through.

It's funny how some unknown problem that stems from male binge drinking is the "repercussions" of their actions, but problems that stem from female binge drinking are a problem that we as a larger community are responsible for.

No comment in the gender inequality here? Isn't this infantalizing women in the spirit that they cannot be held responsible for their actions?

Why doesn't the article mention how may states have literally never had to deal with this issue? In what universe would a U.S. state create a law for a scenario which had never arisen within its borders?

The physical disparity mentioned is a penis. Plain and simple. A 14-year old "trans girl" with a penis may be showering with 14 year old girls without a penis. That's the point of the word "male." You don't have to dissect the ad to understand it. No penis? No problem. Penis? Problem.

It's really the human being being burned alive with saline and then shredded into pieces while alive that they care about. I suppose that seems rather silly compared to lower than average education rates (in a country that still outputs more innovation than any other) and carbon emissions (in a world where the icecaps

Fair enough. I apologize for coming across as brusque. I'm just rather confounded by this. I appreciate your thoughts.

Guys don't have an intense fear of tampons. That old cliche has some truth to it, but that truth is not based on fear of tampons. It's based on fear of the unknown. It's wrapped up in the same trope about men not asking for directions. And there are many times more pejorative words for the male anatomy that men AND

The vast majority* of pro-lifers (another person's life is, of course, not a 'choice' for you) would feel pity for you, and nothing else. You should probably spend some time actually getting to know the people you rail against so much. Reading the occasional news story about the crazies compared to the hundreds of

A human being is defined by distinct DNA and the biological processes that constitute "life," which actually has a scientific definition, since you probably don't know that. A child is someone who fits the definition of a human, and has not reached the culturally accepted (and legally defined) age of 18 years of age.

Do you have any idea how many atheists are against abortion? Cause it's a lot, and many of the most prominent atheists are among them. Some people who are anti-abortion are crazy, no doubt. But many are just very compassionate people who believe something different than you do about the value of human life.

Seriously, on what planet are women shamed for their private parts by the patriarchy like I keep hearing about? I have 3 sisters whom I am very close with, and I have had many conversations with them about feminism and gender politics, but I have never witnessed this "vagina stigma" nor been told about it by someone I

The fact that you only tell the one narrative, even with all those meaningless caveats (that no one who reads this site even pays attention to anymore...just look at the comments to this article) is probably what she takes issue with.

Are you hiding in my closet? Cause you sure claim to know a lot about me for having no clue who I am. I work at a women and children's shelter 2 weekends a month, and dedicate 10 of my working hours every week to pro bono work for the Omaha Home for Boys, including mentoring where my little friend Jacob and I have

It's pretty obvious you have avoided them, or you would actually understand the story of Oman in context, and have enough information to know how laughable it is to have that thrown into the mix. The entirety of the Bible applies to me and all men, but if you don't know the difference between the Old Testament ("Old

Kara, I don't know if being black precludes you from understanding this (which, I sincerely doubt, although you frequently claim being white precludes people like me from understanding many things), but the impact something has isn't something you can foresee beyond your own intent. That is, what you intend to happen

Because she doesn't understand statistics or how to use them.

Because you don't understand statistics or how to use them.

Where are you getting your numbers? Because even the falsely compiled statistics on false rape accusations (which are always referenced on this site) would put the likelihood of #2 higher than you currently do.

Sounds good, Josie. And be so kind as to give me a call when everyone around you starts treating you like a murderer who got off on a technicality when you have done nothing wrong. Let me know when you're able to experience that firsthand, and compare it in a 1-to-1 fashion with the fear that comes from the