When it comes to literally anything, no you cannot. If you elect yourself the arbiter of this issue, then what stops me from electing myself the arbiter of any issue that might impact you?
When it comes to literally anything, no you cannot. If you elect yourself the arbiter of this issue, then what stops me from electing myself the arbiter of any issue that might impact you?
Sorry, friend. Just determine for yourself that you can rise above it. Take baby steps, and hopefully you will find the rewards of showing vulnerability can outweigh the pitfalls.
You seriously don't think that the majority of drivers they get won't come from the rest of the taxi driver pool? This won't add too many jobs. It will mostly displace them from serving everyone to serving women only.
The fact that men are more "dangerous" being used as a justification is akin to the fact that women are "weaker" being used as justification for other things. Incidentally, we are not allowed to use one justification. There is no special hierarchy that places one issue above the other. That's all in your head.
"You're not suffering..." is literally an impossible sentence. You cannot say what does or doesn't hurt someone else. You're acting exactly like the sort of man you purport to have suffered because of. This video doesn't affect me one way or the other, but that was never the statement or the idea. The original…
It's interesting that nothing I say indicates that I believe I or other cis men have suffered more than anyone else. Nothing was made as a comparative statement. You're actually the only one of the two of us who is making the claims that your suffering eclipses that of others. You've done so in this last comment. You…
If the strategy of feminism is to use empathy to garner support for their positions, wouldn't it make sense to show a little empathy yourself? Why are you so blatantly uncomfortable with the idea of male vulnerability? Why are women still considered brave for being open about what has hurt them, but people like you…
The women in these movies are also imaginary, but women on Gawker sites have been ranting about how these imaginary depictions have hurt them. Why is this any different?
I've said the very same thing in other comments on this site. Science doesn't assign value. It describes facts, and gives context to observations. I couldn't agree with you more.
Why exactly would a gay person be averse to sex with the opposite gender, or a straight person be averse to sex with their own gender?
Churches aren't subsidized by tax money... Did nobody teach you the difference between a subsidy and an exemption?
The event in question is really stupid, but it's painfully obvious that Rebecca has no clue how gender politics (such as they were) existed in the 12th century. Prior to the Victorian era, women were not considered property. They were not traded for livestock or land. The land and the livestock were symbols of the…
What happens when she decides to go out without the makeup and hair augmentation? An ID is not just something you use when you want to. You can also be required to provide one unexpectedly. Should the person looking at her ID use their imagination to identify her, or their powers of perception? Only one of those would…
"Joking about a thing doesn't mean you think the thing is funny. It means it's part of a joke."
Nice tantrum, Lindy.
Do you know what "literally" means? It means "to the letter." It means you make no assumptions or judgements, and simply read the text word for word. Whether you believe it bears unpacking or not is purely subjective. But no one asked you to subjugate the discussion to your own opinions, so there's no logical reason…
Well, it's LITERALLY what she said, so it bears unpacking.
Jezebel: Video of Calum Hood is ok to post.
Where was the outrage for Calum Hood having his snapchat posted on this very site just the other day?
Hopefully shame isn't a big part of your relationship.