Joe S

I have no expectation that married sex is magical. I'm sure it's the most prosaic sex that exists. That hardly concerns me, though. "Meaningless" sex is not really meaningless, though. Even Kinsey was able to identify the emotional connections that we cannot simply "opt out of" because we want to.

Right, because I have no ears to hear or eyes to see/read, and have gathered no knowledge of sex, or how to take your time to make sure you've taken care of your woman. Riiiiight.

Sources...which are entirely different than knowledge. I didn't stutter. I chose the word knowledge, and used it as it often is. You may be unaware of the phrase "primary knowledge." That's on you, though, buddy. It's certainly common enough.

I admitted openly to not having experience with unmarried sex. I did not say that I didn't know what it was like. Surely you're aware that you can learn about things from the experience of others, right? Or are you someone who has to learn everything the hard way? I'm not talking about religious dogma. I'm talking

Commitment flips the switch. It's pretty simple.

Also, is "Fuck you," part of a logical argument? Or is it more like a tantrum?

I'm sure you would admit your marriage is not perfect. Most people are comfortable with such statements. I just went ahead and made it for you. You don't have to "feel" good about it, but it doesn't make it any less true. Sorry.

No doubt, and it's a damn shame. No arguing with you there.

What makes it a poor comparison? Because you've said so? Use logical argumentation, or why bother?

The illustration fits. It's not inaccurate. I'm not sure what your emotions and subjective sensitivities have to do with a logical argumentation, but I assure you there are no participation ribbons or trophies being handed out here.

Facts don't have to use numbers, friend. The logic stands unchallenged. Everyone is just interested in derailing the argument rather than actually resolving it.

How is my view distorted? I am acknowledging the ideal. If you don't believe in immutable ideals that you did not yourself make up, then you're living in a self-constructed fantasy.

Literally everything in the universe is comparable. Some comparisons are helpful, and some are not. Mine is. It fits. I could've picked any number of others, and they would've fit as well. Do you think you're making some kind of intellectual point with that ridiculous statement?

You're missing that Hobby Lobby has and will continue to provide insurance plans that offer 16 forms of birth control. How have you missed that? They are not against birth control. They are against abortion. It's a distinction so blindingly obvious that I'm having a hard time understanding why you're not aware of it.

You're also missing that Hobby Lobby has and will continue to provide insurance plans that offer 16 forms of birth control. How have you missed that? They are not against birth control. They are against abortion. It's a distinction so blindingly obvious that I'm having a hard time understanding why you're not aware of

You missed my point, friend. In my analogy, I make it clear there is a time and place for sex. I'm aware (tangentially) of the many good things about sex. It sounds wonderful, and I'm excited for it to be a part of my life someday. I'm not making any claims about the benefits or drawbacks to sex in general. I'm

I'm not claiming they are guaranteed to happen, but a lot of people wind up with distorted views of themselves and the opposite sex because of engaging in unmarried sex. It's not everyone's experience, but it's a reality for many, nonetheless. I would consider that to be catastrophic.

Do you have to be shot to know it would hurt? Of course not! Has no one ever explained to you the idea of primary knowledge vs secondary knowledge?

Did you miss the whole part about how I'm aware that I'm not better than anyone else? Don't miss the point because you want to make a stupid joke. The point is there is still an ideal, and we don't have to settle for less than the ideal just because it's easier to act all jaded and cynical.

You clearly didn't read the whole comment, did you? I made it very clear that I'm not interested in impressing people, and I'm certainly not impressed with myself. Just because you're happy settling for something you know is less than ideal doesn't mean the rest of us should stop acknowledging the ideal. I never said