Joe S

Your opinion is wrong. Your opinion isn't "as valid" (?) as mine because of some requirement of which I am the arbiter.

I see this website toss the word "dick" around as a pejorative term multiple times a week. It's definitely just as offensive of a word. It offends me, and many other good men I know. Is it wrong to call a woman the "c-word?" Absolutely! I'd never condone the use of such an ugly word. But Jezebel has got to be the

Incredibly juvenile article, as per usual. I'm happy to see some of the responses can see the flaws on both sides.

Did you know that a penis is primarily used for urinating? That means it doesn't have to be a "sex-related" topic. Men talking about their anatomy is (while rude, and ultimately offensive) no worse than women doing the same if there's no actual sexual context.

There's absolutely zilch wrong with "cultural appropriation" in an of itself. Context is everything. If someone can't understand that, then it's because they're ignorant. Can you be sensitive to ignorant people? Of course! If you want people to feel welcome, you should be sensitive to them. Just don't try to suggest

If you think that Title IX doesn't have ANY weight on how easily/naturally women are "taken seriously," you're naïve.

When this VERY website goes on about how underreported rapes against women are, it's only FAIR that you be able to make an argument that they are also underreported against men.

Your initial premise is that men drop out because they see a short term advantage to securing income rather than incurring debt. You use this to say that women are in college because they "clearly" have a more realistic view of economics. You're using the article to "woman-splain" why men are getting the shaft in

NEWS FLASH: "Gender Pricing" is the phenomenon of "supply" and "demand" in a culture where women spend 80% of every dollar earned. I work in advertising. We bank on that priceless stuff. Don't like what it costs? Stop buying it! Stop spending so much money! "Oh, but the pressure from society to buy it…" Men have the

I love that anytime there's an exception to a perceived "rule" everyone of you has the same tired line to say, "Now you know how it feels! Go cry about it!" If you're not compassionate to other people, ladies, no one has a SINGLE GODDAM reason to be compassionate to you. Grow the hell up.

So disagreeing with you is trolling? He just has to accept your truth or he's a p.o.s.? That's not what you said when you didn't accept the "truth" that women were inferior, or that they shouldn't be in the workplace. You had an inner sense of truth then that flew in the face of what others thought. Is that now

The line that got left out: "62% of women also continue to engage romantically with said cheaters."


When did equality become about sameness? Are all genders the same? Are all men interested in the exact same life? Are all women? What about the other sexes? If they aren't proof that we're not all the same, then I don't know what is. What if less women are interested in political leadership, and would rather lead at

As a man with 3 sisters, I have to say that the entirety of the onus for rape "responsibility" should not be the burden of any single sex—male, female, or otherwise. Boundaries should be taught from a young age. But I can't help but think that these "respect others, respect yourselves" campaigns won't really "solve"

Those dirty, rotten programmers making games…decades upon decades ago…when little boys were 97% of video gamers…

This is one of the more incredible sexist articles of the past few months on this digital fish wrapper. Women do the bulk of the psychological relationship maintenance? Also, women cheat more than men—FACT—so the plethora of female "selfies" obviously also "warns of potential infidelity and long-term neediness." The

There's nothing inherently religious about believing in protecting human life. Anyone with their hubris in check knows that when you "give" on the value of human life, you start sliding down a slippery slope. Also, anyone who's read their history knows that abortion is targeted at minorities because of a subtle

It's funny how you say "the people have spoken," when it suits your belief system, but you decry the immorality of California's Prop 8 when the "people spoke" there, and you support the supreme court rejecting the people's vote. Don't you think that's a bit strange?

I've never heard a man tell a woman to smile, except my dad telling my sisters to smile, which he also did to me.