Joe S

Nice job slipping that oh-so-subtle plug into your mansplaning.

That sounds like a medical condition, Amanda. You should see an OB/GYN about that.

You fail to explain why you would need practice PRIOR to getting married. Nobody says this guy's wedding night was amazing because of his skill. There's a little known concept called "novelty" which comes with doing something new. By the time that wears off, he'll have had enough practice. Your argument fails to

Lookup the word "novelty." Read the definition. Think about it.

You didn't use "want to be" correctly. It's actually spelled & punctuated as "wanna-be." That's always how it's been. It's never been spelled the standard way. You must've known that, though. After all, you're clearly an ACTUAL "know-it-all," and not just a "wanna-be."

Are you making fun of gay people? Are you making for of asexual people? Are you making fun of men who exercise their right to choose? Yes, yes, and yes. Way to go, you're the biggest hypocrite in this article's comments!

That's right—poke fun at his grammar. That doesn't seem petty or stupid in any way.

Statistically, she won't be filing for divorce. Sorry.

I love the original article, and I love how right you proved him to be. Jezebel, you're like the drunk, slutty aunt at the wedding who goes on and on about how good of a time you're having, but it's obvious to everyone just how sad and lonely you are—and it's just pathetic that you're the only one who doesn't see it.

This article is PURE bullshit. Every single point you make is given without factual base. Drivel.

Love these comments. Way to go, Violet! You're doing more to engage men in being advocates with this type of thinking.

Really sad write-up here. Way to go blasting everyone who isn't an uptight, feminist, perma-single woman living on the coast! Nice AD-FUCKING-HOMINEM argument Lindy West.