Pretty sweet Video ,,YO.
Pretty sweet Video ,,YO.
Not with a bang,but a whimper....
This is how Horror movies begin.
I am sure Hitler thought he was a swell guy to, F--k this filthy Globalist Scum.
f—k you pig
calling B.s. on this one
I am 52, andor all of my adult life every couple of years they have said the big one is going to hit,f—kers don’t know s—t from shinola,back in the 70s if anyone remembers, they said there was a coming ice age,even on the cover of Time magazine,just like the sky is falling hysteria about fake and phony global…
their is also the possibility we could punish the Chinese by letting north korea fall apart, most of those refugees would go into china,and that is what china does not want,unlike the border between north and south korea ,their are no fences no minefields on the border of north korea and china