
Don’t mind the MI Left, myself. At least you can turn right on red when you need to make your “left” turn.

I’m surprised Mr. Terrell Jermaine Starr didn’t write up this post and praise the fact that the crash happened; alternatively say how the military is huge waste of money and resources.

We have top men handling this:

The car’s not dangerous, it’s the tires.

You can’t. No gas.

How much PCP were you on when you wrote this/sat in your imaginary “Bolt”?

Except they fixed that issue, so Alfa has no excuse.

And Car and Driver still has this pile of spaghetti noodles on wheels at #1 on their “Sport Sedan” category, plus an “Editor’s Rating.”

You mean the one that they fixed?

“Do not touch”

You are awarded one hypocrite card!

I don’t know.

This family of sites, and more than a large percentage of its commenters, does the same thing with white people.

Are you f’ing serious?

And people wonder why imports aren’t higher on the list...

How many crosses to you hand out so you can prove to others of your “holier-than-thou” attitude?

Aren’t you the snooty fellow?

I don’t see this as a problem.

Nice joke.